Wednesday, May 18, 2016

- Seadrill should be priced at more than one option. – OBI Online

On Wednesday morning it was announced that John Fredriksen’s rig company Seadrlil pay debts with shares. It issued 8.2 million shares in exchange for $ 55 million in debt.

“We are all excited about restructuring in Seadrill, since the debt is so great that even” Storeulv “can not save the company alone. With over 100 billion in debt, and 50 banks in various cross-ownership and consortia, would constitute almost impossible task, “writes Nordnet investment economist Tom Hauglund in an update.

” The fact that bond investors are willing to take shares in exchange for half of the debt, telling me that Seadrill should be priced more than one option. This is initiated by the bondholders, so this they wanted, “he writes.

Seadrill shares rising 3.1 percent to 31.52 crowns.


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