Saturday, April 30, 2016

Statoil closes production at the Gullfaks field – E24

– I dag Star hel Industri Sammi and sorghum are dem har med sine mistet kjære, fastslo in sorgfull konserndirektør for Norsk sokkel and Statoil, Arne Sigve Nylund, PA pressekonferanse fredag ​​kveld.

Helikopteret Hadde TATT av Brother B-Plattform ved Gullfaks-feltet og var på sees til Flesland and Bergen da den fatale ulykken inntraff – Sitt av den verste slag and Norsk historie oljeindustris.

From Aker Solutions ansatte-Dode

to Det var Dung elleve passasjerer og om board og alle antas omkommet.

Blanter dem er tre ansatte innleid én og fra Aker Solutions. I tillegg var det om board ansatte fire Halliburton-in-STATUS ansatt SAMT person fra Schlumberger WellTec og Karsten Moholt. Tone pilotene I tilknyttet CHC.

– Dette er in tragisk ulykke, og twigs tanker går til familiene og Venner av de omkomne, sier Aker Solutions-konsernsjef Luis Araujo and uttalelse.

Find it difficult to understand that Baksaas not know –

In the top of Telenor, and among the Telenor-nominated directors of Vimpelcom, there were several which showed corruption Miss tank. But this information used according to investigators at Deloitte two and a half years to reach CEO Jon Fredrik Baksaas.

– I think it’s sad. And hard to understand, says chairman Gunn Wærsted that Baksaas not know.

Yesterday, Deloitte submitted its report after including having undergone 320 000 documents about the case.


In September and October 2011 announced a Telenor employee who was loaned to Vimpelcom that he was seriously concerned that the cooperation Vimpelcom had with the company Takilant was corrupt. This staff is in many ways again as the hero who warned in several directions. But forecasts his never reached until CEO Baksaas.

For this whistleblower was right. In February, Vimpelcom on a settlement with US and Dutch prosecutors in which they admitted to having paid close to one billion crowns ($ 114.5 million) in corrupt payments to Takilant, the company that the Uzbek president’s daughter Gulnara Karimov controls.

Alerted Telenor

30 September 2011 sent the whistleblower the first email. He wrote to CFO Richard Olav Aa he believed cooperation with Takilant was corrupt and that he was not reassured by how Vimpelcom management had responded to his concerns. Aa took the case to the General Counsel Pål Wien Espen, who had the responsibility to ensure that Telenor followed laws and policies.

Thus, two of Baksaas`aller closest associates informed about corruption fears.

Both Aa and whistleblower has told investigators that they discussed notifying Baksaas, but they tell that Cathy said this was not the right way to go. Instead asked Espen that whistleblower took the matter up with the Telenor-appointed directors of Vimpelcom and it did Notifier on 4 October 2011. According to the report rejects Espen he said that corruption should be taken up with Baksaas.

Alerted Vimpelcom

Baksaas was director of Vimpelcom, but had a stay in directorship from 28 June to 5 December 2011. It was exactly during those five months that corruption notification was handled.

Notify Cleaning letter went to the Telenor-nominated directors Ole Bjorn Sjulstad, Kjell Morten Johnsen and Jan-Edvard Thygesen 4 October 2011.

These three are some of Baksaas’nærmeste employees and they have held a number of top positions in Telenor. Two of the three said they did not take the matter up with Baksaas and one of them said to investigators that he did not remember whether he spoke with Baksaas about it or not.

Baksaas told the investigators that he first heard about corruption warning in March 2014.

of the three directors, there are now only Skjulstad working in Telenor.

– I agree Deloitte’s assessment that good control practices had been that Skjulstad had informed Baksaas about varlingssaken when Baksaas also joined the board. But there is still no basis for other criticism than a conversation with Sjulstad about it, says Telenor Director Sigve Brekke told Dagbladet.

He says Skjulstad has learned from the case.

– The core is that Baksaas was not notified by Telenor. Not when he entered the Board of Vimpelcom. Where I am critical. Both Espen and Aa should have gone to Baksaas with the information, says Brekke.

Both CFO Aa Counsel Espen joined Telenor yesterday, after having been suspended since November.

– There is nothing in Vimpelcom report that would suggest that he stops. He does not end because of this matter, says Aas spokesman Hans Geelmuyden.

Espen has not answered Dagbladet inquiry.

It has not Baksaas done, beyond to pockets ingested Dagbladet while he discussed media strategy with advisers.


Here are people ready to use civil disobedience to stop the world’s largest … – NRK

SE VIDEO: Roy Isaksen er forretningsmann og leder i Kvænangen fiskarlag. Han sier han er klar til å gjøre alt som står i hans makt for å stoppe Marine Harvest sine planer på Spildra.

SE VIDEO: Roy Isaksen er forretningsmann og leder i Kvænangen fiskarlag. Han sier han er klar til å gjøre alt som står i hans makt for å stoppe Marine Harvest sine planer på Spildra.

Lederen i Kvænangen fiskarlag lover rabalder den dagen Marine Harvest kommer for å plassere sine lakseanlegg utenfor Spildra.

– Det kommer aldri hit. Marine Harvest vil slite tungt med å få myndighetene til å godta planene deres. Hvis det mot all formodning skulle gå så langt at myndighetene sier ja, og de begynner å sette ut anleggene der, så er vi mange nok som er klare å «kvesse knivene» våre og da går vi til sivil ulydighet. Vi er villige til å havne i fengsel for å stoppe dette. Så vi kan godt sone litt. Mange pensjonister sier at det kan bli artig, de har jo aldri vært på «ferie» før, sier Roy Isaksen.

52-åringen driver Spildras eneste butikk, en turistbedrift, et overnattingssted og en liten pub. I tillegg er han leder i Kvænangen fiskarlag. Det er registrert 26 innbyggere på øya, som er i Kvænangen kommune i Troms fylke.

Spildra landhandel er skiltet både på norsk og russisk.

Foto: Dan Robert Larsen / NRK

Blant annet Kvænangen fiskarlag, Sametinget og Spildra grendelag har levert en klage på et kommunestyrevedtak som ble gjort i november 2015. I vedtaket gis Marine Harvest dispensasjon fra kystsoneplanen om å anlegge akvakulturanlegg på østsiden av Spildra.

Da kommunestyret onsdag behandlet klagen, ble den nedstemt med 9 mot 6 stemmer . Det var stor glede i verdens største oppdrettsselskap Marine Harvest etter at kommunestyret i Kvænangen sa ja til nytt anlegg.

Miljø- og myndighetskoordinator Are Moe i Marine Harvest var veldig fornøyd med onsdagens beslutning i Kvænangen kommunestyre. Han sier at de ville ha tatt til følge et vedtak fra kommunestyret i Kvænangen, uansett hva som ville ha blitt vedtatt.

– Dette er en svært viktig beslutning for Marine Harvest. Det betyr at vi kan fortsette, og vi ønsker selvsagt å fortsette vår satsning i Kvænangen, sa Moe i Marine Harvest til NRK etter møtet.

Fisk på museum

Isaksen beskriver det lille samfunnet i den ytre delen av Kvænangsfjorden som en fin plass å bo.

– Alle kjenner alle her og barna har trygge omgivelser å vokse opp i. Vi har ingen trafikk å passe opp for og folk stiller opp for hverandre her, sier han og smiler.

Men han ser ikke særlig blid ut når samtalen vris over til oppvekstgiganten Marine Harvest sine planer i farvannene ved øya.

Han frykter nemlig at hvis planene realiseres så vil dette føre til at folk i fremtiden må gå på museum for å kunne se fisk på Spildra.

Disse tørkede fiskehodene er utstilt like ved kaia i Spildra.

Foto: Dan Robert Larsen / NRK

– Lakseoppdrett er en fare både for fiskeriene og for gytefeltene for torsk som ligger i det området Marine Harvest ønsker å ta fra oss. Det vil føre til stor forurensning av havbunnen her og lakselusen vil også være en stor trussel, påpeker Isaksen.

For å understreke hva han mener nevner han flere eksempler på steder i Kvænangen der fisken forsvant etter at det ble lakseoppdrett der. Det gjelder blant annet Jøkelfjorden og Rakkenes.

– Tvinges til å flytte

Samboerparet Sigrid Iversen og Trond Isaksen bor også på Spildra, der de driver med fiske og videreforedling til boknafisk, som de selger til restauranter i Alta og Tromsø.

Trond Isaksen er også leder av Spildra grendelag.

Paret er iferd med å trekke dagens torskeliner opp fra sjøen, da NRKs TV-team ankommer det området Marine Harvest akter å bruke til lakseoppdrett.

– Vi fiskere er ikke særlig glade i disse planene. Dette er en stor trussel for det vi driver med, advarer Iversen.

Sigrid Iversen og Trond Isaksen kan drive sitt firma nettopp fordi fiskefeltet ligger så nært der de bor og driver med produksjon.

Foto: Dan Robert Larsen / NRK

Hun frykter at både hun, familien og flere andre vil bli tvunget til å flytte hvis oppdrettsanleggene kommer.

– Her er det ikke bare snakk om det lille området som Marine Harvest vil ha. Oppdretterne sier at fjorden må kunne deles, men vi fiskere blir bare mer og mer fortrengt. Vi har en liten båt og på grunn av driften av firmaet, har vi heller ikke tid til å gå lenger ut på havet for å fiske. Vi må kunne fiske nært der vi bor, og hvis vi ikke kan det så er vi tvunget til å flytte, sukker Sigrid Iversen.

Hun er ikke i tvil om at fisken vil forsvinne hvis oppdrettsanleggene kommer til Spildra.

– Laksen er jo en predator for torskeyngelen og torsken har jo ikke lyst til å legge eggene sine foran nesen på laksen. Han vet jo ikke at laksen er buret inn. Jeg er veldig redd for at det ikke vil komme inn fisk i fjorden i det hele tatt.

Passer perfekt for lakseoppdrett

Marine Harvest vil ha Spildra Øst fordi dette området etter deres vurdering passer perfekt for lakseoppdrett. Strømforholdene er særdeles bra.

Da Marine Harvest overtok anleggene i 2012, så de et stort behov for å endre driften. Ved å etablere et anlegg ved Spildra Øst, vil risikoen for fiskesykdommer og lakselus reduseres, og vil i tillegg sikre en jevnere tilførsel av fisk til slakteriet.

Are Moe, Marine Harvest.

Foto: Laila Lanes / NRK

– Det er et svært lite område ved Spildra Øst, som skal tilsidesettes for akvakultur. Samtidig har vi troen på sameksistens. Det viser seg flere andre landsdeler hvor vi har fiskeri og oppdrett at sameksistens er mulig, sier Are Moe i Marine Harvest.

Det har vært stort engasjement i saken, og senest tirsdag ble det avholdt et folkemøte i Sørstraumen i Kvænangen om temaet . På folkemøtet opplyste miljø- og myndighetskoordinator Are Moe i Marine Harvest, at de ville fase ut tre anlegg lengere inn i fjorden hvis de fikk tillatelse til å etablere seg i Spildra Øst.

– Ikke særlig mange arbeidsplasser

Roy Isaksen er ikke imponert hverken av Are Moes kommentar eller kommunestyrets vedtak.

– Det er rart at flertallet i kommunestyret ikke vil ta innover seg den massive dokumentasjonen som er imot etableringen av lakseoppdrett utenfor Spildra. Jeg har heller ikke særlig tro på at dette vil føre til flere arbeidsplasser. Heller tvert om. Mekanisering og automatisering gjør at det vil bli færre arbeidsplasser, mener Isaksen.

Opposisjonen har allerede signalisert at de vil melde inn vedtaket til Fylkesmannen i Troms, men ordføreren frykter ingen langvarig og hard konflikt.

– Vi er romslige folk og vi tar vare på hverandre her og vi klarer å være uenige i sak. Så skal vi kunne snakke om hva vi skal gjøre i veien videre. Vi skal se fremover. Da skal vi kunne diskutere både med både med fiskere og oppdrettsnæringen hvordan vi sammen finner løsninger for fremtiden, sier ordfører Eirik Losnegaard Mevik (Ap).

Spildra ser ut som et bilde fra et postkort, vakkert beliggende og omkranset av spisse fjelltopper. Her ser vi kaia i den lille grenda.

Foto: Dan Robert Larsen / NRK


Subsea 7 improved margins even though revenue fell – Maritime

Revenue fell by 37 percent in the first quarter compared with last year. Nevertheless, margins were significantly better for the company.

The report Subsea 7 in quarterly which was announced Thursday.

Revenues for the first quarter of 2016 totaled $ 746 million, while the company tapping into 1.18 million in the same quarter last year.

It gave a net income of $ 147 million in the first quarter, compared with the 2015 loss in the same period of $ 151 million. Operating profit was $ 194 million, against $ 176 million the year before.

Despite lower revenues, margins of 38 percent significantly better than in 2015, Subsea 7 and thinks it partly due to cost-cutting measures that were introduced in 2015.

low activity also provided a low fleet utilization of 55 percent for the entire fleet.


RNNP: security going in the wrong direction –

Data from the risk level in the Norwegian petroleum activities (RNNP) in 2015 shows negative development in several areas. It worries PSA.

PSA (PSA) annual survey of risks in the petroleum industry shows that several indicators going in the wrong direction. Among other things, there were several incidents with major accident potential in the last year, and one fatal accident.

While major accident indicator in 2014 was at its lowest level since RNNP measurements started, flicks arrow in the opposite direction for 2015. There are stark contrast to the industry’s stated commitment to HSE.

abandoned HMS

This year’s survey shows that offshore employees increasingly seems that companies prioritize safety compared with the previous measurement. They are also experiencing increasingly being pressured to work in a way that threatens the security and that they are less self can affect HSE situation.

– RNNP results are a warning. They indicate that something may be about to happen to the security in the petroleum industry, says PSA director Anne Myhrvold.

According to her figures show that it is right to question whether the safety is at a crossroads. The ambition of continuous improvement and continued risk reduction can be challenged.

– In times like now, where efficiency, austerity and savings characterize the industry, it is especially important to protect and reinforce the established meeting places and projects that will improve security . It is also important to maintain good cooperation between the parties, which often put under pressure during the recession, she said.

– The PSA will ask how companies and industry organizations use the results of RNNP and what they specifically do to reverse the negative results. This will be an important part of our audit, in our dealings with industry organizations and Safety Forum.

Myhrvold emphasizes that RNNP measure trends over time.

– Although we can not prove any direct correlation between RNNP results and changes that the industry is now experiencing, it is important to look at whether the results are temporary or a trend.

Multiple hydrocarbon leaks

hydrocarbon leaks and well control incidents is an important contribution to major accident risk. In 2015 it was recorded ten hydrocarbon leaks greater than 0.1 kg / s on the shelf. This is the highest number recorded since 2011.

Similarly, the country was 13 hydrocarbon leaks greater than 0.1 kg / s, an increase from last year’s seven leaks. The contribution to the overall indicator in 2015 is among the highest in years without leaks over 10 kg / s.

It is registered 15 well control incidents in 2015, a slight decrease from last year’s 17 events, but an increased risk potential. There were no incidents in the category high severity.

Barriers worries still

Also within the area barrier management results show that in certain areas there are challenges in reaching industry requirements.

– considering the great attention that this area has received in recent years, it is surprising that there is a clearer positive development of key barriers, says Myhrvold.

More serious injuries

the number of serious injuries went up in 2015, and there was more, the first fatal accident on the shelf since 2009. the accident occurred on December 30, when a wave hit the mobile rig “COSL Innovator” and did considerable damage to the housing module. One person was killed.

In the long term the period 2005 to 2013 has been a downward trend in the rate of serious injuries. The last two years however, one sees an increase. For land-based plants is an increase in the frequency of serious injuries, and the level is the third highest since 2006 when measurements started.

Positive maintenance figures

The figures for maintenance management of production facilities clearly show decline in 2015 of the total backlog in preventive maintenance, both for safety critical equipment and equipment in general.

the figures for 2015 are the lowest since reporting began in 2010. Completed hours preventive maintenance has increased in the period 2011-2015.

Total outstanding HSE critical corrective maintenance, a reduction from 2014 to 2015.


Aker Solutions boss will save at least two billion years: – It does not stop here – E24

FORNEBU (E24): Torsdag slapp Aker Solutions kvartalsresultatene sine før årets tre første måneder. De viste et fall i omsetningen på to milliarder kroner, samtidig som brutto driftsmargin (EBITDA) steg fra 7,0 til 7,9 prosent.

Aksjekursen steg først forsiktig etter at tallene ble kjent, men etter et par timer handel på Oslo Børs er aksjen ned to prosent.

Selv om selskapet fikk inn nye ordrer for seks milliarder kroner i kvartalet, var det ikke nok til å unngå at ordreboken fortsatte å krympe. Ved utgangen av mars lå den på 38,5 milliarder.

I kjølvannet av oljeprisfallet har Aker Solutions satt seg et sparemål på 30 prosent. Under presentasjonen gjorde konsernsjef Luis Araujo det klart at kostnadene skal ned, men både han og finansdirektør Svein Stoknes mente det er et stort engasjement blant de ansatte for å få det til.

– Folk kommer på jobb og tenker hvordan man skal få gjort ting enten 30 prosent raskere eller 30 prosent billigere, sa Stoknes.

For å illustrere hva 30 prosent faktisk vil innebære, pekte konsernsjef Araujo på driftskostnadene på 30 milliarder i 2015:

– Gitt kostnadsnivået vårt i 2015 gir dette en potensiell forbedring på minimum ni milliarder kroner innen utgangen av 2017, sa han til forsamlingen som hadde møtt opp på selskapets kontorer på Fornebu.

– Målet er å realisere en fjerdedel av dette innen utgangen av året, sa han videre.

Kutter 1.500 stillinger

Aker Solutions har i første kvartal annonsert jobbkutt på til sammen 1.500 faste stillinger. Det løfter den totale nedbemanningen til 20 prosent av arbeidsstokken man hadde høsten 2014.

– Må dere kutte bemanningen mer for å nå måle om å bli 30 prosent mer effektive?

– Dette målet handler ikke om nedbemanninger, men om å forbedre hele driften vår, fra hvordan vi kan klare å bruke færre ingeniørtimer til å forbedre hele leverandørkjeden vår, sier Araujo til E24.

– De 2,25 milliardene er det vi har identifisert som mål i år. Noen av besparelsene vil også bli reflektert i prisene ut til kundene, sier han videre.

Tror omsetningsfallet blir større

Aker Solutions’ finansdirektør fortalte torsdag at selskapet nå tror subsea-divisjonen vil oppleve et omsetningsfall på 20 prosent i år, ikke 15 prosent som man tidligere har spådd. Det vil i så fall bety et fall fra 19,1 til 15,3 milliarder i år, mot fjoråret.

– Vi fortsetter å se et utfordrende marked, blant annet gjennom at kundene utsetter prosjekter, sa Stoknes.

For Field Design-divisjonen holder selskapet på prognosen om et omsetningsfall på 15 prosent i år, men Stoknes understreket at markedet for vedlikeholds- og modifikasjonsprosjekter i Nordsjøen fortsatt er vanskelig. Det er denne MMO-delen av Field Design som har opplevd noen av de største nedbemanningene hos Aker Solutions de siste par årene.

Slår prognosen til vil omsetningen på Field Design falle fra 12,9 milliarder i fjor til 10,3 milliarder i år.

Konsernsjef Araujo mener det er store muligheter for de i bransjen som tør å satse nå:

– Jeg sier til kundene mine at det er nå man burde bestille. Kostnadene er konkurransedyktige og mange av ingeniørteamene har ledig kapasitet.

Må kutte for å få jobber

Konsernsjef Luis Araujo gjorde det klart at kostnadene ikke bare må kuttes for å bli mer lønnsomme, men også fordi kundene krever det.

– Vi ser at vi må kutte kostnadene for å vinne kontrakter, sa han og viste blant annet til at en kontrakt de har vunnet i år hadde krav om at kostnadene måtte ned 30 prosent.

Samtidig får kuttene som Aker Solutions og andre i leverandørindustrien har satt i gang med store effekter for oljeselskapene.

– Vi har spilt en nøkkelrolle i å få ned break-even (lønnsomhetsprisen, journ.anm.)  i prosjekter som Johan Sverdrup og Johan Castberg, sa Araujo.

Statoil annonserte tidligere i år at de totalt sett har fått ned utbyggingskostnaden på Johan Castberg-feltet fra rundt 100 til 60 milliarder kroner, sammenlignet med den opprinnelige planen.

– Er en kostnadseffektivisering hos dere på 30 prosent det kundene deres krever av dere?

– For å være ærlig tror det industrien trenger enda større forbedringer. Dette er et minimum, og mange steder har vi oppnådd mer enn 30 prosent, sier Araujo.

Hotel Strike in Romsdal from today – Romsdals Budstikke

Last weekend went 3,500 members in 363 hotels and restaurants in six counties in a strike in the hospitality industry after mediation not led.

Today Saturday get the result of nearly 2,500 colleagues in 209 companies in six new counties – including in Molde, Angvik and Åndalsnes.

In Molde were tens organized by hotels sling, Alexandra Fjord Chalets and Moldefjord taken out from Saturday morning at. 08. Thus, it was pickets in place outside all the listed hotels from early Saturday morning.

Here is the big strike will and good mood, says Cecilie Søllesvik, leader of Fellesforbundet branch 65.

– We strike for living wage, and for local bargaining, she says to Rbnett .

On Saturday morning was Søllesvik, branch secretary Rose Maiken Flatmo and LO district secretary Kari Ansnes Hoset around and visited the strikers in Molde.

Board members, staff and manager of the local department of Fellesforbundet visiting all the places that have pickets Saturday says Søllesvik.

From Molde take her on to Angvik Gamle Trade Area in Gjemnes, and the Grand Hotel Bellevue in Åndalsnes, where they also strikes from today Saturday.

Several other hotels in the county have employees on strike from Saturday morning (see lenkesak).

Søllesvik says that it is planned pickets on the involved hotels from Saturday morning until the evening.

Controversy over low wages-ins

After the escalation will hotel- and restaurant workers being on strike in Oslo, Oslo, Nordland, Oslo, Hordaland, Vestfold, Nord-Trøndelag, Troms, Finnmark, Akershus, Rogaland and Møre og Romsdal.

Travelers will notice that strike withdrawal also affects food and beverage outlets at Oslo Airport Gardermoen.

The reason for the strike is disagreement about local bargaining and additions to the low paid.

New strife fueling parties

Yesterday Friday directed employers a clear warning to employees who they believe strikes illegal: You may lose your job.

– This is a serious matter. Invalid absence from work can be grounds for dismissal, said chief negotiator Jostein Hansen in the Norwegian Hospitality Association said.

He says Federation several places alleges that all organized covered by the strike, which NHO maintains is not right.

– Only members of Fellesforbundet within national Agreement area covered by the strike. Executives desk managers, chefs and restaurant managers are not on strike, says Hansen.

– The title does not determine

Norwegian Hospitality asking Federation to tighten up their local representatives, but within the LO family’s views on the matter more complex.

– It’s not professional title that determines whether you can be out on strike or not, but what tasks you have, says communications manager Vidar Grønli in Federation said.

– If you work as a receptionist for 90 percent of the time and otherwise, in an office, so you can still be taken out strike. Such must be considered in each case, he adds.

Newly signed

Norwegian Hospitality Association also noted that new entrant is members of the Federation states that they should go on strike.

– We have examples of that Federation mistakenly encouraged employees to strike, says Hansen.

He maintains that the first 14 days after a valid stoppage is received, the newly organized to take part in the strike . Here’s Federation centrally in line with the counterparty.

– Going okay

Health currently evaluating whether the strike put life and limb at risk by patient Hotels Ullevål and Haukeland. In that case, the government will resort to compulsory arbitration.

– We note that those in charge say it goes to, says Hansen.

Hospital hotel at Haukeland aim to stay open next week, with reduced capacity of 80-100 of 178 rooms. Easier cleaning, service and dining is the price the guests have to pay.

At Ullevål get NTB stated Friday that the operation will be close to normal this weekend. The strike termed as little dramatic so far.


Ny CEO i Archer –

John Lechner assume the position as new CEO of Archer. The company reported Friday.

He replaces David King, who has been CEO of Archer since July 2013.

In addition, Day Skindlo director of the Company, and shall also have the post of finance – and strategy director.

Lechner became part of the Archer in 2012 and has held positions as president of the North Sea since July 2013, and president of the eastern hemisphere since January 2016.

– John has extensive experience in the oil industry. He has through its various leadership roles in Archer a proven experience with profitable operations in some of Archers core business, even under very challenging market conditions, says Orjan Svanevik, chairman of Archer-control.



Spent three years trying to read emails from Vimpelcom Notifier – E24

Høsten 2012 mottar juridisk direktør og øverste ansvarlige for compliance (etterlevelse av regelverk og internkontroll) i Telenor, Pål Wien Espen, en e-post fra en Telenor-ansatt som er utplassert i Vimpelcom.

Den ansatte har ett år tidligere varslet finansdirektør Richard Aa og Telenors styremedlemmer i Vimpelcom om at han er sterkt bekymret for oppkjøpene som Vimpelcom har foretatt i Usbekistan.

I forbindelse med denne varslingen hevder både finansdirektør Aa og varsleren at de har hatt flere møter med Espen hvor han har blitt underrettet om bekymringene. 

Espen hevder selv at han var til stede på møtene som «en lyttepartner» og ikke i kraft av å være øverste ansvarlige for compliance i Telenor.

Flere av samtalene og møtene som Aa og varsleren beskriver, vil han ikke vedkjenne at fant sted. Eposten fra varsleren høsten 2012 hevder Espen at han først leste tre år senere, i 2015. 

Gikk i dag morges

Fredag morgen ble det kjent at både Espen og Aa fratrer sine stillinger i Telenor. Begge blir frikjent i Deloitte-rapporten fra å ha begått korrupsjonslignende handlinger, men får likevel kritikk.

Konsernsjef Sigve Brekke sa på pressekonferansen fredag at han mener begge to skulle ha håndtert saken annerledes.

Deloitte skriver i rapporten at advokatfirmaet ikke kan ta stillingen til om Aa og Espen har opptrådt klanderverdig, men at det er mange spørsmål som reiser seg i forbindelse med håndteringen av informasjonen de ble gjort oppmerksomme på.

Advokatfirmaet gjør også oppmerksom på at det ikke fikk tilgang til å intervjue de daværende Telenor-oppnevnte styremedlemmene i Vimpelcom.

Skal ha blitt varslet mange ganger

Noe av det mest spesielle i rapporten, er hvor uenige finansdirektør Richard Aa og juridisk direktør Pål Wien Espen er om hendelsesforløpet.

Her følger en utfyllende oppsummering av Aa og Espens roller slik de blir beskrevet i rapporten:

  • I august 2011 tar varsleren kontakt med sjefen sin, finansdirektør Richard Aa, for å si fra om at han er bekymret for transaksjonene Vimpelcom skal foreta med postboksselskapet Takilant. Denne transaksjonen viser seg senere å være en 90 millioners bestikkelse til datteren av presidenten av Usbekistan. Du kan lese det du trenger å vite om selve Vimpelcom-saken her.
  • Varsleren hevder at han tok kontakt med Pål Wien Espen før han tok kontakt med Aa, fordi Espen var øverste ansvarlig for compliance i Telenor. Varsleren hevder at han varslet Espen. Espen hevder på sin side at han hadde en uformell samtale med varsleren, men at han ikke ble underrettet om varslerens bekymringer.
  • Aa hevder på sin side at han etter sitt møte med varsleren tok kontakt med Espen fordi han var sjef for compliance i Telenor. Espen bekrefter at dette møtet skjedde, men sier at han ikke forsto at han var involvert i kraft av sin rolle, men at han var der som «en lyttepartner».
  • Aa hevder at han i sine samtaler med Espen mente at daværende konsernsjef Jon Fredrik Baksaas burde underrettes, men at Espen mente det var upassende gitt at bekymringene dreide seg om Vimpelcom, og ikke Telenor. Espen hevder selv at en slik samtale aldri fant sted.
  • Sent i august 2011 tar varsleren og Aa initiativ til et nytt møte med Espen hvor de alle tre blir enige om at riktig prosedyre er å underrette Telenors styremedlemmer i Vimpelcom. Espen hevder også etter dette at han ikke er blitt varslet, men kun har gitt råd om hvordan varsleren skal forholde seg til bekymringene sine på en korrekt måte gitt Telenors eierskap i Vimpelcom.
  • Varsleren sender deretter en mail til alle Telenors styremedlemmer i Vimpelcom hvor han varsler om hva han mener foregår. Aa er med på å skrive mailen, Espen er ikke satt i kopi og ifølge Deloitte er det ingen ting som tyder på at han har sett denne mailen.
  • Styremedlemmene tar kontakt med Espen fordi de lurer på hvordan de skal gå frem. Espen anbefaler dem å oppsøke ekstern juridisk bistand. Han anser det ikke som nødvendig å sende saken videre oppover internt i Telenor ettersom han anser saken som et Vimpelcom-anliggende.
  • Høsten 2012 skriver Dagens Næringsliv en sak om at TeliaSonera har betalt korrupsjonspenger til Takilant. Aa hevder at han da tar kontakt med Espen og minner ham på varslingen av Vimpelcoms transaksjon med selskapet. Espen hevder denne påminnelsen aldri fant sted.
  • Varsleren skriver en e-post til Espen hvor han spør om Espen leste mailen han sendte til styremedlemmene høsten 2011, der han varsler om forholdene. Espen hevder overfor Deloitte at han ikke leste denne mailen før i 2015.
  • I februar 2013 tar Aa og varsleren igjen initiativ til et møte med Espen fordi de lurer på om saken har blitt håndtert på riktig måte. De tre møtes i India i forbindelse med en konferanse. Aa og varsleren hevder at Espen forsikrer dem om at alle prosedyrer er blitt fulgt og at juridisk avdeling vil behandle saken videre. Espen hevder selv i rapporten at dette overhodet ikke stemmer, kun at de tre møttes uformelt på flyplassen og at han igjen  hadde rollen som «en lyttepartner».
  • Etter et styremøte i 2013 hevder Aa at han igjen konfronterer Espen med at Baksaas bør bli underrettet. Espen skal igjen ha gjort det klart at han ser på hendelsene i 2011 som et internt Vimpelcom-anliggende. Espen hevder selv at denne samtalen aldri har funnet sted.

Saken sprekker som kjent etter at Baksaas blir intervjuet av myndighetene i mars 2014. Espen hevder at han varslet Baksaas i forkant av dette, men når han skal ha gjort det er uklart. Baksaas selv hevder at hans møte med myndighetene var første gangen han ble gjort oppmerksom på korrupsjonsanklagene mot Vimpelcom. 

– Ingen tvil om retningslinjene

Nåværende Telenor-styreleder Gunn Wærsted sier til E24 fredag følgende om informasjon om bekymringsfulle forhold vil komme raskere frem i systemet i fremtiden.

– Jeg mener at med de tiltakene vi nå iverksetter vil jeg være trygg på det. Men det er jo umulig å gi en garanti på det, men det er en selvfølge at denne saken har vært vanskelig for Telenors organisasjon. Jeg tror ikke noen er i tvil om hva de etiske retningslinjene og forventningene er fremover, sier Wærsted.

– Jeg tror Telenor vil komme sterkere ut av dette når vi får gjennomført alle tiltakene, legger hun til.

PSA alarm about safety on the Norwegian shelf – NRK

– In times like now, where efficiency, austerity and savings characterize the industry, it is especially important to protect and reinforce the established meeting places and projects that will improve safety. It is also important to maintain good cooperation between the parties, which often put under pressure during the recession, says Myrvold.

PSA -direktør Anne Myhrvold is concerned about the security of oil and gas production.

Photo: Anders Fehn / NRK

in 2015, there were several incidents that could have been in major accidents in the oil industry compared with the previous year.

Read also : Worried that the oil industry should lower the standard

the report shows the risk level in the Norwegian petroleum activities (RNNP) that was added from the PSA Thursday.

While major accident indicator in 2014 was at its lowest level since RNNP measurements started, flicks arrow in the opposite direction for 2015. Among other things, there were several incidents with major accident potential in the last year and a fatal accident.

leaks of oil and gas

Hydrocarbon leaks and well control incidents is an important contribution to major accidents. In 2015 it was recorded ten hydrocarbon leaks greater than 0.1 kg / s on the shelf. This is the highest number recorded since 2011.

Read also Fear big accident on the Norwegian shelf

a total of 45 events that had the potential to develop into major accidents compared with 40 events in 2014.

– 2015 gives a warning when it comes to major accidents, said the Technical Manager Torleif Husebø during performance of the report.

30 . December, when a wave hit the mobile facility COSLInnovator and did considerable damage to the housing module. One person was killed. The number of serious injuries increased in the oil industry last year.

Photo: Lars Christian Wallace / NRK

Multiple injuries

the number of serious injuries went up in 2015, we did well the first fatal accident on the shelf since 2009. the accident occurred on December 30, when a wave hit the mobile facility COSLInnovator and did considerable damage to the housing module. One person was killed.

– This year there has been significant increase in injuries among operating employees.

Read also Fears for wildlife after oil spills

enlightened principal engineer Øyvind Lauridzen PSA.

the risk level in the Norwegian petroleum activities (RNNP) shows a negative development in several areas last year. This worries PSA and is in stark contrast to their

Many believe safety is abandoned

The report shows and that there is a significant increase in the number of employees who believe that safety is priority in the oil business.

year survey shows that offshore employees increasingly seems that companies prioritize safety compared with the previous measurement. They are also experiencing increasingly being pressured to work in a way that threatens the security and that they are less self can affect HSE situation.

Lauridzen told that this particularly applies to those who work out on the shelf, and to a much lesser extent among those who work on the land in the oil industry.

on the Authority’s report presentation Thursday pointed out that the general trend in 2015 is a cry that there may be multiple measures which should be inserted.


Friday, April 29, 2016

Norway gets world’s first electric aquaculture vessel –

The aquaculture industry is looking for a greener profile. Electrification of the growing fleet of workboats is now underway.

Salmar Farming is first out and ordering a 13.5 meter long and 7.5 meter wide catamaran which should have battery operation.

Siemens is in the final stages of dimensioning the battery pack and the electrical system.

Freya yard Ørnli Release with 22 employees based expertise in a field yard think will grow much.

Building skills

– There are a lot of replacement of working methods and fish farming is expanding. We are pleased to be ahead and build expertise in the electrification of the vessels, says Torstein Yttersian, general manager of Ørnli release.

Work boat:

  • 13.48 meters long, 7.6 meters wide.

  • Build in aluminum.

  • Smooth deck catamaran.

  • Propulsion System: Blue Drive PlusC from Siemens, previously used in the world’s first electric fish fishing boat and the electric car ferry Ampere.


Work boat to Salmar based on a vessel type Ørnli has delivered many. Normally delivers yard four such aluminum boats a year.

– We have taken based on an existing design and builds on and modifies for electric propulsion, says Yttersian.


in addition to the battery pack, it delivered a diesel-powered emergency generator of 160 kWh, big enough to get the boat home from the cages.

the vessel will have 30 minute transit and then be looking at the cages all day and return when leaving work.

the ship will not DP (dynamic positioning), but using baugthrustere and propellers remain in position for some time, depending on weather and power.

known and proven

Technical manager in Salmar Farming AS, Eskil Bekken, saying that they are going for a known technology, although there first with an electric workboat.

– We have chosen proven solutions that Siemens has delivered to both electric ferries and large ships. Now that we can save the environment and improve working conditions for the staff gets very exciting, says Bekken.

– Now it’s finally aquaculture turn to be electrified, and now we do it with technology that is proven offshore, says chief technology officer of Salmar Farming aS, Eskil Bekken.

Trøndersk pride

Siemens has supplied battery packs and electric system to Ampere, the world’s first large battery ferry, and to a fishing smack. In addition, the company has gained a lot of experience with hybrid offshore ships.

The workhorse for Salmar get a battery of 200 kW / h with two propellers for propulsion, each of 160 kW / h.

– the vessel will also get electric tunnel and some other ancillary electrically to ensure the highest possible energy efficiency, says Odd Moen, sales director at Siemens Marine.

He finds it gratifying to be part of make aquaculture greener.

– we are proud that the technical solutions that we have developed at Siemens in Trondheim now getting stick in a new segment where Norway has a leading position in the world. This is in addition an important step to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for vessels in the farming industry, says Moen.

Electric ambitions

Enova has given two million in aid to the world first electric workboat to the industry. Enova is pleased that several farming sectors replacing diesel generators on the shore of including barges.

Enova transport Marketing Petter Hersleth’m excited about the pilot project’s potential impacts.

– an electric hybrids plug-in a fish farming that can charge from shore power plants on barges represents something completely new, and if Salmar succeed, it can have huge repercussions in the industry. We are pleased that SalMar go ahead and show how industry can cut down on use of fossil fuels, and is proud to contribute to this ambitious project now being realized, says Hersleth.

Environment Cheers

With ambitions to grow 5-6 times during the next few years must also seafood industries do their best to meet Norway’s obligations on emissions, says a senior advisor Kjetil Paulsen Bellona.

– This solution represents an important step in the right direction.

The operating schedule to work the boats are great for battery operation and this solution contributes to both improved working environment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We hope that this project will be an inspiration to several breeders and suppliers so that both working vessels and aquaculture rafts eventually becomes zero emission, said Paulsen to TU.

More retrieving

Bellona notes that seafood industry also faces major challenges on the transport side. Transfer to the sea and the use of more environmentally friendly propulsion technology can help the industry to better environmental profile.

-Today runs large parts of Norwegian seafood exports by car and new solutions that allow maritime transport are competitive both in price and delivery time will be absolutely necessary to achieve the objectives of reduced emissions and sustainability.


- Experiencing increase in cancellations – E24

Kongsberg Gruppen slapp fredag morgen resultatene for første kvartal. De viser en økning i omsetningen, men lavere resultater og tynnere marginer.

– Vi har hatt et kvartal med god aktivitet. Innen konsernets forsvarsområder er utviklingen god, og vi jobber mot betydelige internasjonale muligheter. Vi forventer at det utfordrende olje- og gassmarkedet i økende grad vil påvirke aktivitetsnivået og inntjeningen i konsernet fremover, sier konsernsjef i Kongsberg Gruppen, Walter Qvam, i en børsmelding.

I februar i år varslet selskapet at man legger ned satsingen Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies som en følge av de dårlige tidene i oljesektoren. De ansatte skal flyttes over i Kongsberg Maritime og den nyopprettede divisjonen kalt Kongsberg Digital.

I den siste kvartalsrapporten Walter Qvam legger frem før han overlater roret til den nye konsernsjefen Geir Håøy, advarer han om at oljebremsen kan ramme konsernet enda hardere fremover:

– Kongsberg Maritime har fortsatt god aktivitet, men markedet for offshore-fartøyer er svært utfordrende. Vi opplever også økning i kanselleringer, i tillegg til flere forespørsler fra kunder om utsettelse av prosjekter, sier Qvam.

Han sier at ytterligere kutt «vurderes løpende». Kongsberg Maritime varslet i fjor høst en nedbemanning på 200 stillinger. Samlet sett hadde antallet ansatte i Kongsberg Gruppen falt med  40 til 7.648 ved utgangen av mars, for selv om man har kuttet i de oljeeksponerte divisjonene har man økt bemanningen i andre deler av konsernet.

– Kongsberg Maritimes øvrige produktområder er aktivitetsnivået stabilt eller økende og vi ser styrken i en diversifisert portefølje, sier Qvam, med referanse til virksomheten rettet mot blant shipping og subsea utenfor oljesektoren.

Kongsberg Gruppens resultater
Første kvartal 2016
Første kvartal 2015
Omsetning 4,34 mrd.
4,23 mrd.
17,0 mrd.
Brutto driftsresultat (EBITDA) 408 mill.
486 mill.
1,78 mrd.
Brutto driftsmargin
9,4 %
11,5 %
10,5 %
Resultat før skatt
299 mill.
378 mill.
944 mill.
Resultat etter skatt
227 mill.
280 mill.
755 mill.
Ordreinngang 3,75 mrd.
4,97 mrd.
15,2 mrd.
Ordrereserve 18,7 mrd.
22,0 mrd.
19,59 mrd.

Half Erte margins Rokke oil company – Dagens Næringsliv


Det norske oljeselskap opprettholder guidingen for 2016.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Aker- og Kjell Inge Røkke-dominerte Det norske oljeselskap leverer noe svakere enn ventet i årets første måneder, der resultatet er en halvering fra samme periode ifjor. Oljeprisfallet bidrar til utviklingen.

- Kvartalet er preget av stabil drift med høy produksjonseffektivitet, god fremdrift på utbyggingsprosjektene våre, oppstart av borekampanje på Askja/Krafla og to nye oppkjøp som øker ressursgrunnlaget i selskapet», sier konsernsjef Karl Johnny Hersvik i dagens melding.

Barberte marginer

Det norske fikk et resultat før skatt, av- og nedskrivninger (ebitda) på 129 milloner dollar i første kvartal, sammenlignet med 261 millioner dollar i samme periode 2015.

Er resultatet av rekke fusjoner og oppkjøp mellom norske oljeselskaper. Den første forløperen DNO ble etablert i 1971. Den andre forløperen Pertra ble startet i 2001. I 2007 ble DNOs norske virksomhet skilt ut og slått sammen med Pertra under navnet Det norske. Det norske overtok senere Aker Exploration. DNO International er i dag et helt separat selskap. Kjell Inge Røkkes børsnoterte investeringsselskap Aker asa eier i underkant av 50 prosent. Børsverdi på drøye 14 milliarder kroner.

Vis mer

Ebitda-resultatet var på forhånd ventet til 137 millioner dollar, ifølge TDN Finans. Produksjonen i første kvartal var på 60,6 tusen fat oljeekvivalenter per dag, der gjennomsnittlig realisert oljepris var 37 dollar fatet.

Det norske opprettholder en produksjonsguiding på 50-60 tusen fat oljeekvivalenter per dag i 2016, fremgår det av presentasjonsmaterialet. Driftsinvesteringene (capex) anslås til 925-975 millioner dollar, og produksjonskostnadene til 8-9 dollar per fat basert på en dollarkurs på 8,8 kroner.

Skal under 40 dollar

Selskapet har iverksatt en rekke kostnadstiltak over samtlige virksomhetsområder – oversett av toppsjef Karl Johny Hersvik.

“Ambisjonen er å sanksjonere nye prosjekter til en break-even-pris på under 40 dollar fatet på selvstendig basis”, heter det.

Det norske ser allerede forbedringer, med blant annet ekstremt god boreutvikling på Alvheim og Ivar Aasen, ifølge selskapet. Fremover vil Det norske teste en ny leveringsmodell for tilkobling under vann på Alvheim-feltet.

Enige med bankene

Det norske hadde ved periodens utløp en netto rentebærende gjeld på rundt 2,6 milliarder dollar, opp fra omlag 2,0 milliarder dollar på samme tidspunkt ifjor. Selskapet har samtdiig en tilgjengelig likviditet på 1,23 milliarder dollar.

Etter kvartalets utløp av Det norske lykkes å få lempelser i sine banklånevilkår, fremgår det av kvartalsrapporten. Selskapet fortsetter samtalene med sine obligasjonseiere.

“Bankkonsortiet i selskapets reservebaserte lånefasilitet (“RBL”) på 3,0 milliarder dollar og rullerende kredittfasilitet (“RCF”) på 550 millionerdollar har gått med på en lemping av vilkårene ut 2019″, heter det.

Iht. plan

Hovedaktivitetene i Ivar Aasen-prosjektet holder fastlagt plan både på tid og kostnad frem mot første olje i fjerde kvartal 2016, mens Johan Sverdrup går som planlagt frem mot produksjonsstart i fjerde kvartal i 2019, påpeker selskapet.

Operatøren Statoil anslår at Johan Sverdrup fase 1 nå har en balansepris på under 30 dollar per fat, fremgår det videre.

I mars annonserte Det norske en avtale om å overta Noreco’s norske lisensportefølje, bestående av syv lisenser på norsk kontinentalsokkel, inklusive en 20 prosents andel i Gotha-funnet i Barentshavet.

I april annonserte Det norske en avtale med Centrica Resources Norge om å overta selskapets lisensandeler i funnene Frigg Gamma Delta og Rind.

Det norske tok en nedskrivning på 38 millioner dollar i første kvartal, primært relatert til teknisk goodwill som oppstod i forbindelse med oppkjøpet av Marathon Oil Norge. Nedskrivningen skyldes hovedsakelig fallende forwardpriser for olje sammenlignet med forrige kvartal.

Det norske oljeselskap ASA, tall i mill. dollar 1. kv 2016 1 kv 2015 Ventet (TDN Finans)
Driftsinntekter 218 329 218
Driftsresultat -23 86 14
Resultat før skatt -16 81 -12

Les også: Pyramidespill på kinesisk: Vilt pengeforbruk og pene ansatte

Unilever-sjefen: Bli grønn eller dø ut som dinosauren

Flest unge som ikke sjekker selvangivelsen  

Se DNtv:


Seadrill has taken the first step in the rescue plan – Dagens Næringsliv


Stiger kraftig på børsen etter avtale med bankene.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Seadrill stiger nesten 17 prosent på Oslo Børs i åpningshandelen fredag etter selskapet meldte at det har inngått avtale med sitt bankkonsortium om å utvide sine tre lånefasiliteter med nærest forfall og endre visse betingelser i sine sikrede kredittfasiliteter.

Dette er første fase av en bredere plan for å refinansiere og rekapitalisere virksomheten. Selskaper har mål om å fullføre forhandlinger med interessenter innen utgangen av året, heter det i en oppdatering fra selskapet fredag.

Utvidelsene av fasilitetene dreier om en kredittfasilitet 450 millioner dollar med opprinnelig forfall i juni 2016 som nå er forlenget til desember 2016. En kredittfasilitet på 400 millioner dollar med opprinnelig forfall i desember 2016 er forlenget til mai 2017. Den tredje er en fasilitet relatert til North Atlantic Drilling på 2,0 milliarder dollar med opprinnelig forfall i april 2017 som forlenges til juni 2017.

Et drøyt år

Endringene i lånebetingelser løper til til 30. juni 2017 og er inneholder følgende:

En tilbakestilling av gjeldsgradbetingelsen, en revidert definisjon av egenkapitalraten til å utelukke effekten av eventuelle endringer i markedsverdien til riggene og en suspensjon av bestemmelsen som gjør at långivere kan motta en forskuddsbetaling av sine sikrede kredittfasiliteter hvis riggverdiene faller under en minimumsverdi i forhold til utestående lån.

Selskapet har videre inngått en avtale om et sett med milepæler som gir en tidsplan for fremme diskusjoner rundt en langsiktig løsning, fremgår det.

Avtalen innebærer at de ikke skal trekke på noen av de 467 millioner dollar i sine rullerende kredittfasiliteter og fått økt lånebetingelsen om minimumslikviditet i sine sikrede kredittfasiliteter 150 millioner dollar til 250 millioner dollar i løpet av forhandlingsperioden.

Plattform for ny kapital

Seadrill skriver videre at den andre fasen av redningsplanen er ventet å adressere likviditetskrav på mellomlang til lang sikt og danne en plattform for ny kapital. Selskapet regner med å refinansiere sine kredittfasiliteter og andre gjeldsfasiliteter, inkludert obligasjonslånet på én milliard dollar som forfaller i september 2017.

I tillegg venter selskapet å ytterligere utsette nybyggleveranser inntil dagrater rettferdiggjør å ta levering.

«Vi forventer ikke å ta levering av noen enheter i 2016 og har for tiden 4,0 milliarder dollar i avdrag relatert til nybygg ved verft som forfaller i 2017, 2018 og 2019 som vi skal jobbe med skipsverft for å utsette», heter det i rapporten.

Selskapet venter videre at de vil trenge eksterne finansieringskilder gjennom flere utstedelser for å møte deres refinansierings- og kapitalbehov.

«Fremtidige finansiering kan føre til høyere lånekostnader, eller kreve mer restriktive lånebetingelser og vilkår, som kan ytterligere begrense vår virksomhet», heter det i årsrapporten.

Les også: – Ingen Telenor-ansatte har vært delaktig i korrupsjon

Halverte marginer for Røkkes oljeselskap

Se DNtv:


Unemployment is falling surprisingly in Norway – OBI Online

There have been 1,000 fewer unemployed in April, according to seasonally adjusted figures from NAV. There were many who started in labor market this month so that the sum of the unemployed and job seekers on measures fell by only 200 people, according to a statement from NAV.

– Unemployment is now falling for the second consecutive month but it is too early to say whether this is due to an improvement in the labor market. Developments with large regional differences in unemployment continues, as we have seen over the past year, said Labor and Welfare Director Sigrun Vågeng.

Aust-Agder, Sogn og Fjordane and Østfold had the largest decrease in unemployment in April adjusted for normal seasonal variations. Vestfold and Rogaland are the only counties with a rise in unemployment over the same period.

In April, there has been the largest percentage decline in teaching professions, agriculture, forestry and fishing, and retail and sales. Professionals and engineering and ICT subjects are occupational groups that had a vacancy rate increase in April.

Totally unemployed and jobseekers on measures

In April 85,500 people were registered as unemployed with NAV . There are 5,800 more than a year ago. Unemployment is now at 3.1 percent of the workforce, compared with 2.9 percent in April last year. According to TDN Finans was expecting a vacancy rate of 3.3 percent.

The total of unemployed and job seekers on measures are now 104,500 people, equivalent to 3.8 percent of the workforce. There are 10 500 more than a year ago, when gross unemployment was 3.4 percent of the workforce.

Decrease in half the counties

The county differences in unemployment trends we’ve seen it last year continues. Hedmark and Nord-Trøndelag had the greatest decline in unemployment over the past year, both with 9 percent. In Rogaland, the number of unemployed increased by 47 percent compared to April last year, while unemployment has increased by respectively 36 and 31 percent in More og Romsdal and Hordaland.

Unemployment is now highest in Rogaland 4.6 percent of the workforce. Then follow Aust and Vest-Agder, both with 3.8 percent. Unemployment is lowest in Oppland and Sogn og Fjordane, with 2.1 percent of the workforce in both counties.

The largest increase within the engineering and ICT subjects

Over the past year, unemployment has fallen most of those without stated profession background and in teaching occupations, respectively 10 and 8 percent. There are now 2,400 more unemployed with a background in engineering and ICT subjects than in April last year, representing an increase of 44 percent. Brokers and consultants have the second largest increase, with 23 percent, followed by people with a background in industrial services with an increase of 19 percent.

Unemployment is now the lowest in teaching professions and academic professions, respectively 0.7 and 1 , 1 percent of the workforce. Unemployment is highest in construction occupations, with 5.9 percent of the workforce, followed by industrial labor by 5.4 percent. Within the engineering and ICT subjects unemployment now at 2.9 percent, against 2.0 percent in April last year.


Telenor’s CEO Sigve Brekke folds of secret investigation – OBI Online

The investment in Unitech Telenor’s current CEO Sigve Brekke was pushing for that Asia-chief in 2008, has cost Telenor’s shareholders around 30 billion. More serious is that Unitech is deeply involved in the biggest corruption case in recent Indian history – and that all warning lights indicated that the investment should be shelved. But Brekke defied experts’ advice. It can now cost him his job.

– Sigve Brekke knew – or should have known – when Telenor partnered with Unitech that the Indian company had acquired 2G licenses its unlawful or irregular manner .

it says corruption fighter and one of India’s most powerful men, Subramanian Swamy, in an exclusive interview with capital.

Swamy is the man who helped roll up the giant corruption case that has circulated in the Indian media since 2008 – and almost as long in Indian courts. He has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, master in statistics and a (real) PhD in economics from Harvard. He is a founding member of the Indian Janata Party, which he led from 1990 until 2013, and as he merged into the Bharatiya Janata Party – today one of the two largest parties in Indian politics. He has been Indian Trade and Minister of Justice and been elected to Parliament five times. In recent years he has distinguished himself as a champion of anti-corruption movement in India and has been widely known to initiate legal proceedings against the high and mighty. In other words, no small authority in India that now confronts Telenor chief way of doing business.

Swamy justification for why he thinks Brekke knew – or should have known – that Telenor acquired the Indian telecommunications licenses in an irregular or illegal manner, was that they were sold by the government to Unitech for far below market for a period which was not complied with.

– the condition for receiving licenses to ten percent of the market, was that they could not be resold until it had been two years. Unitech ignored, however, the provision right after they got the license, to sell majority shares to Telenor. It happened at a price which was many times that of the Unitech had paid the government for the license. It is obvious that they saw that it was illegal for what they could not do directly, they did indirectly, said Swamy.

He is incidentally also the man who can be said to have suffered Telenor it largest and most ignominious loss in company history.

When Indian Supreme Court on 2 February 2012, decided that the 122 advertised 2G licenses which former telecom minister A. Raja will be sold at a discount on a unlawfully should be canceled, it was after a petition from just Swamy.

22 of the canceled licenses, Telenor had secured by buying in Unitech to huge sums, but by a stroke of the pen, they were suddenly canceled and virtually zero worth.

the Sigve Brekke prestige investment in India has thus become one of the most unsuccessful Norwegian business investments ever.

Fornebu, March 2016

Norway’s second largest company, and with the state as the largest owner, is the all-time crisis of confidence. Among Telenor’s more than 36,000 employees around the world prevails much testy mood. Not only has the price of Telenor shares fell by about 25 percent – or well over 40 billion – in time after Brekke took over as CEO. The international mobile operator VimpelCom, in which Telenor owns 33 percent of shares in and has 43 percent of the voting rights, has recently admitted to having paid large sums in bribes to the dictator’s daughter Gulnara Karimov to enter the mobile market in Uzbekistan.

VimpelCom is listed on the United States but is headquartered in Amsterdam and has long been investigated by both US and Dutch authorities. The company’s former CEO, Norwegian Jo Lunder, has long been a key person in the Telenor system, and was among others repeatedly mentioned as Sigve Brekke contender in the battle for the job as the new CEO of Telenor after Jon Fredrik Baksaas.

That was until November 2015 when Norwegian authorities charged Lunder and arrested him in connection with the ongoing corruption investigation in VimpelCom.

Turbulence in Telenor

Internally, Telenor has Sigve Brekke suspended or released four key leaders while VimpelCom matter investigated. It is Telenor’s CFO Richard Aa, who has worked closely with Brekke and perhaps Brekke’s strongest competitor in the race to become the new CEO and it is Telenor’s legal director Pål Wien Espen, both of which have enjoyed high standing internally, but which has been accused for not having alerted by textbook when corruption alarm went off in VimpelCom, they both contests.

in addition, Brekke unattached Telenor’s former directors of VimpelCom, former CFO of Telenor’s Thai subsidiary DTAC, Fridtjof Rusten and former Russia -sjef for Telenor, Ole Bjorn Sjulstad, now head of corporate affairs at Telenor Hungary.

On top of this we had known Brekke’s predecessor, Jon Fredrik Baksaas last year quit his consulting contract as a strategic advisor to the Board of Telenor immediate effect, also in connection with VimpelCom case. As if this were not enough, also had notoriously former chairman Svein Aaser – the man who trump through the controversial appointment of Brekke – go on the day as a result of its information management in connection with VimpelCom scandal.

– world-corruption work

It is in this turbulent environment that Sigve Brekke (see mini-CV page 64) has emerged as the new CEO, busboy and rescuer. l Last summer he went out and announced that all VimpelCom record is for sale, and since last autumn – when capital could reveal that he for years has cheated and listed academic degrees on his CV that he has not – he has marketed itself increasingly in various Norwegian media with their strong attitudes against corruption.

– I feel sad that it be questioned trust of Telenor, and especially on things like corruption. These are things that we try to work with every single day, and I actually would say that we are absolutely world class at. This is what gives us a competitive advantage in the big world. This is precisely why I think openness is the only answer to that, said Brekke in an interview with DB television last fall.

The interview took place not long after it became known that the Telenor Board has engaged the law firm Deloitte for a review of how the Norwegian mobile giant has handled its minority ownership in corruption accused VimpelCom through ten years.

Brekke promised full transparency in the investigation and warned that the main conclusions will be made public.

– why we – the board – decided that we should have an investigation where all cards should be on the table. We have hired Deloitte to help us to do the survey here as objective as possible. The only way we are able to re-build confidence and put this behind us is full disclosure. And then we’ll then deal with it as it is and then we’ll move on, said Brekke.

When it den18. February this year became known that VimpelCom acknowledges corruption in Uzbekistan, and adopts a fine of $ 795 million – the equivalent of almost seven billion – to American and Dutch authorities, stated Brekke day after NTB:

– I feel am confident that none of Telenor is involved in corruption, but we want to see how Telenor has handled the case. It is important for us to get all the cards on the table, said the CEO.

For DN told him the next day again, on February 20, that he was upset that VimpelCom has committed corruption in Uzbekistan.

– It is disappointing and very serious that company Telenor is part owner of admits corruption.

Secret investigation

But while Brekke has stood forward in Norwegian media and marketed itself as an advocate for full disclosure of the Deloitte investigation, there existed another – and no less important – investigation work of corruption-related matters that he has not been as open about.

it relates his own work as a former Asia head of Telenor.

– had the outside world learned about the investigation work around Brekke India investment, he had long since been completed in Telenor, and then he had at least not become CEO, claims a centrally located source of good reasons wishes to remain anonymous.

Something similar we also hear from other Telenor distance, but since the internal telecommunications company initiated an intense chase on sources – and it’s been utterly lid on the matter internally – they are we talking about the investigation (or evaluation that the somewhat more neatly called Telenor’s inner corridors) extremely cautious statement. They now hope only that the newly appointed chairman Gunn Wærsted will take up the thread where it was released recently.

It is the leading investigating BI Professor and lawyer Wiersholm, Jan Fougner, who was commissioned to verify a the fatale India investment Brekke trump through the midst of the financial crisis in 2008, the experts’ clear advice.

the capital is aware that Fougnerbakken was hired by the administration of Telenor in the aftermath of the controversial India-investment to see if everything had gone right for him.

Fougnerbakken considered the leading fagpersonenen in Norway on compliance, anti-corruption, corporate penalties, conflict and crisis management as well as subsequent remediation processes under both Norwegian and international laws, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – and he shall have competence spot for such a job.

– Do not know scrutiny

Sources told the capital that Fougnerbakken should have found so much “cloudiness” around India investment that Brekke must have put all cloths to add the lawyer’s work is “dead in the drawer”. Since the investment represents a particularly dark chapter in Telenor’s history that few in the company is proud shall Brekke – with good internal help – finally have managed to put all Fougnerbakken work on ice.

– There were discoveries and question of such a compromising character that not only was Brekke who was served by adding the ball is dead. Violations of the Code of Conduct (the company’s internal Code of Ethics, ed.’s Note.) In connection with India-investment is far worse nature than those we saw in VimpelCom, claims a Telenor source.

Fougner previously headed the investigation into Valla case, Hordaland police handling of whistleblower in Monica case and the corruption suspicions in both Hydro, Yara and Unibuss.

Telenor mission he does not want to comment facing capital.

– capital is aware that you were hired by Telenor to scrutinize India investment, but what happened to the investigation report?

– I am not in a position neither to say if I have or have had, client relationship with Telenor, says a pro Fougnerbakken when capital hit him on the phone after message was left. – So I can neither confirm nor deny this.

The capital has also talked with Harald Norvik, who was chairman when Telenor decided to enter the huge Indian market by buying into Unitech.

– I have not seen any investigation report or final evaluation. The investment was a long process that was under consideration by the Board many times. I experienced nothing mysterious about this, apart from partner problems and that we were opposed by competitors as it held, says Norvik.

Svein Aaser, who took over as chairman when Norvik resigned in protest due to the then minister of industry Trond Giske interference in the management of Telenor, said he did not know of any investigation report.

This is in itself not inconceivable, since investigation work – after the capital known – must have been ordered by the administration, and not the Board of Telenor, before it was stowed away.

– Investor Hostile behavior

According to statements as Svein Aaser gave to Norwegian media relating to employment by Sigve Brekke as CEO in spring 2015, it was Brekke’s competence as Asia chief who led him right to the top in one of Norwegian industry’s most powerful positions.

absolutely central job as Asia chief has it Brekke been taking care of the company’s India investment, whoever numedølingen got trump through fall 2008 and who (in cumulative EBITDA minus Capex) soon has cost the company almost 25 billion. We expect interest and other capital costs, we come up quickly in an amount of approximately 30 billion for investment in Unitech, which hardly anyone Telenor shareholders wanted.

In autumn 2008 devastated the financial crisis in many parts of the world, several countries’ economies were on the verge of collapse and exchanges raged. So did the Telenor shareholders when they heard about Brekke’s frantic plans in India. Hardly any of the leading financial analysts who followed the company closely managed to calculate home price of Unitech – even in a best case scenario. The price was too high.

– It was simply investor hostile behavior, says a famous financier.

But even if the alarm went off in the financial markets, and investors immediately reacted by sending Telenor stock down over 20 percent since India investment became known, while credit rating agency Moody’s was considering downgrading its debt, there was even greater warning lights that flashed elsewhere prior to the investment.

– Corruption alarm went off, but Telenor did not listen to it, says a key source.

In class with Watergate

2G Spectrum Scam, called it the biggest corruption case in the history of India, according to the country’s newspapers. Fraud has roots right up at ministerial level in Indian politics, involving the prime minister, telecommunications minister, state secretary, prosecutors, several officials and a number of peaks in the Indian industry. India’s central investigative solution unit CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) has had 19 prominent names on prosecution decisions their in the case, several of which have already been sitting long in custody but battles in court is by no means finished slow-moving Indian judicial system.

Exactly how much money was withheld from the Indian treasury in connection with the government’s allocation of second generation mobile licenses (2G Spectrum) in 2008 is difficult to determine, but the Indian SAI has estimated that the loss could amount to 26 billion dollars, based on auction prices for comparable 3G and BWA spectrum. It gave the Indian 2G scam a dubious second place in the top-ten list of Time Magazine over the worst abuses scandals, right after Watergate.

One of korrupsjonsskandalens most key players are the former telecom minister in the country, Andimithu Raja and former Unitech director and -boss Sanjay Chandra. The latter is the wealthy businessman who Brekke selected as business partner for Telenor’s joint venture with Unitech in India in 2008, what would later be named Uninor. Chandras dealings with this company have already led him behind bars, and he risks further years of imprisonment when the cases against him are completed in the legal system.

First come first served

But we have to rewind back to 2007 for the right to understand the background of the Indian corruption case and Telenor’s connections to this. When would the Indian cellular upgraded, and the authorities decided to announce the 2G license.

The prime minister Manmohan Singh was quick on the court and advised telecom minister Andimuthu Raja to hold a transparent allocation process with updated prices on the attractive 2G licenses authorities wanted to sell, but Raja would obviously different.

instead of auction off licenses to the highest bidder, which would have ensured higher revenues, selected telecoms minister to hand out licenses to the at best can be described as a dubious first come first served principle, where several of the lucky winners – who did buy them a total of 122 licenses at discounted 2001 prices – should have received inside information about the process.

– Offences and bribery

According to a recent indictment of the central Indian investigation unit CBI (Central Bureau of investigation) was committed several offenses and paid bribes that some companies should be favored in the allocation process . Among other claims the Indian SAI that were given licenses to ineligible companies, those with no telecom experience (such as Unitech who shall have received special treatment by telecom minister Raja) and those who had received inside information in secret.

despite the fact that the licenses were intended for sale to telecom companies, got ia companies Nahan Properties and Adonis Projects six licenses each, Volga Properties and Aska Projects got three licenses each, while Azure Properties, Hudson Properties, Unitech Builders & amp; Estates and Unitech Infrastructures got all their own license. Since all companies were acquired by Unitech set Unitech, who was India’s second most valuable property, with 22 precious telecom licenses in the country.

It was these Telenor wanted to get hold of.

$ 440 million in bribes?

After the Indian telecoms ministry on 10 January 2008 stated that the first come first served principle should apply to license allocation, which meant that those who had inside information about the process and had applied for licenses at the earliest in the autumn before, were awarded licenses, hail criticism of the process.

It prevented still not Telenor’s then newly appointed Asia CEO Sigve Brekke to go further talks with Unitech autumn 2008.

on 30 October 2008 could Telenor send out a press release stating that the company has entered the Indian market. So did the Norwegian mobile giant by acquiring 60 percent of the equity in Unitech-owned Unitech Wireless for approximately 1.07 billion dollars. In the deal accepted Telenor also a debt of $ 400 million. This meant about the price of Unitech Wireless – where licenses were collected – was several times higher in a short period of time. For comparison, cost licenses that the Indian company did purchase under the controversial allocation “only” $ 240 million.

Unitech was not alone in selling its own shares at a high price only shortly after license award. Swan Telecom and Tata Teleservices, which was also favored with 2G license from Minister Raja, sold respectively Etisalat and DoCoMo.

In a joint investigative claim The central investigation unit CBI and the Indian Income Tax Department (Income Tax Department) that telecom minister Raja may have received as much as $ 440 million in bribes to have accelerated deadline for 2G licenses so that the first applicants were awarded licenses. The accelerated deadline may have eliminated many applicants and made Raja able to favor a few. The agencies accuses Raja to have used bank accounts in his wife’s name on Mauritius and Seychelles to receive kickbacks.

According to CBI shall Raja conspiring with defendants in the case of a first come first served allocation to ensure that Swan and Unitech got 2G licenses to far below market prices.

got the help of party friend

After Subramanian Swamy petition to the Indian Supreme Court that they disputed licenses should be canceled, was upheld in 2012, begins the criticism of Telenor’s research and partner selection in India to increase in strength, also in Norwegian media. Not only have tens of billions lost in the Norwegian telecommunications group. There is also an enormous amount of personal prestige in the case.

In this difficult situation get the former State Secretary for Labour, Mr. Brekke, a helping hand from important quarters. Already in early May put then-Industry Minister Trond Giske (Ap) on a flight to India.

Telenor has then already come with a warning that the company will leave India if the government accepts the Telecom recommendation about a sharp increase of base prices in the new auctions of licenses to be advertised. It writes the Economic Times.

– It will be impossible for us to continue operating here, said Sigve Brekke.

Shortly before the Indian authorities to decide how they confiscated the licenses to be auctioned off again meets economics minister Giske, according to NRK, the Indian Minister Montek Sing Ahluwalia in new Delhi. The purpose of the meeting is to present Norwegian government views the matter.

Ahluwalia is Deputy Head of the Indian Planning Commission and sits in the Cabinet subcommittee in telecommunications matters, the committee that ultimately determines how the licenses were canceled because of corruption, auctioned off again.

– We have said that it is necessary to make quite significant changes in the proposed auction telecommunications Authority of India has suggested, if Telenor should have a chance to continue their activities in India , Giske said, adding:

– This involves many billion in investments, and that Norway is dependent on maintaining predictable conditions when the company has invested big money.

Baksaas said in this regard to NRK that he believes it is important that Giske also have come to India to put pressure on the Indian authorities.

however, not everyone is as excited Norwegian political interference in an Indian judicial process where corruption has been the topic.

– Supreme Court’s decision is part of anti-corruption work, but Giske has argued that it creates unpredictable for Telenor and future investments. When will you therefore that India should remain småkorrupt, because we know how to relate to. It gives a nasty aftertaste, the South Asian Knows and lecturer at the University of Oslo, Geir Mr Heierstad, previously stated to Our Country.

Lobby efforts seemed

autumn 2012 shows that Giskes and the Norwegian lobbying in India has borne fruit. In November gets the Norwegian telecom giant Indian regulatory approval to pay 4.1 billion for buying back licenses in six of the total 22 regions.

Nevertheless, much is amiss in the matter. It is claimed in several quarters that Telenor knew – or should have known – that not everything was in perfect order with Unitech’s 2G license.

Then comes Wiersholm lawyer and investigates Jan Fougner into play. After the capital has reason to believe, should Fougnerbakken have concluded that Telenor management ignored several warning signs when they decided to enter into joint venture with Unitech, the company later named Uninor.

– the other went from process

Subramanian Swamy is not the only one who believes that Telenor’s management knew – or should have known – that Telenor acquired licenses in an illegal or irregular manner.

Shalini Singh, assistant editor and telecommunications expert in the Indian big newspaper the Hindu, has previously stated Aftenposten that she finds it difficult to believe that Telenor did not know anything about the risk of corruption – in that India’s leading newspaper, the Times of India reported on this almost every day over a year in advance. Singh previously worked for The Times, and posed the following rhetorical question in Aftenposten:

– Unitech was also in discussions with several other international companies in addition to Telenor. The other went from the process, but Telenor did not. Why?

For the Indian NDTV has Brekke himself admitted that it was he who initially was responsible for advise Telenor to enter India.

– Do you regret? asked television journalist.

– No, not a second, said Brekke.