Five local hotel is flanked by the strike.
Published 04/23/2016 at. 17.16.
Norwegian Hospitality Association and the United Federation has not managed to verta einige about tourism oppgjeret and sundag at 8:00 starts strike for the travel industry. This includes hotel, restaurant and cafeterias and strike are both on wages and working conditions. By side of the wage is the right to wage bargaining Federation’s main demands.
– Bad Time
Five local hotels included in the strike: Brakanes Hotel in Ulvik (17 pcs), Fleischers Hotel (21 pieces) and Park Hotel in Voss (22 pieces), Hotel Ullensvang in Lofthus (8 pieces), and Myrkdalen Hotel (19 pieces).
– The strike affects us quite strongly, that it is not doubt, victory Ingrid Parsonage, Acting Director of Brakanes Hotel.
The strike affected all departments of the hotel in Ulvik and parsonage lay not hide the fact that the strike kernel on an bad time.
– Me is on its way into the new season, and it is no me to make money. It makes me not when there are strikes. But I have respect for those who strike, and the right to strike should be me vera happy to have. It is difficult to vita how the strike will degenerate, but me holding open as far as look up warrant making.
– No major consequences
By Myrkdalen Hotel think hotel manager Solvor Dolve that they will manage to continue at normal operation.
– Nokre changes hosted there, but for the time being will not guests verta frame. Those who are members of the Federation have the right to strike, and it must be me who Employers relations us, victory Dolve.
At Fleischers Hotel is dei optimistic, and believes all operations will function normally as long as the strike not host prolonged.
– Immediately will not this influenced us something mentionable. In the long term it might warrant making sure things go something treigare than usual, but me shall inform guests and hoping for an understanding of this.
The victory Alexander Mackenzie, food and beverage manager at the hotel.
– Eit vårfenomen
Hotel Ullensvang has a low strength with guests online at this time, and the hosts tek strike with great tranquility.
– Strike is EiT our phenomenon ein only must bu on, victory Edmund Utne, 4th generation hosted by the hotel.
Park Hotel was not be available for comment.
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