Saturday, September 20, 2014

Living Village in the loop – Aftenposten

Living Village in the loop – Aftenposten

In an earlier tram loop at Bekkelaget, unused since 1969, OBOS has built an entire village with innovative architecture, Virgin Hagen-owned property. It happened despite strong protests from neighbors, which has complained that the project takes the view of existing homes in the established residential neighborhood.

OBOS bought a fully regulated plot of KTP / Sporveiene over 30 million million, and the Planning and Building Services has approved the developers inventive interpretations of zoning. Instead of 13 houses in a row was 17 townhouse on three levels – most also with basement.

newly created identity

– We wanted a comprehensive, identity resolution and worked with a formal language to get something indigenous, says Wenche Engseth, architect and project developer in OBOS, who worked closely with the architect, Løvseth & amp; Partners AS.

– It was an incredibly narrow, long and demanding plot to buildings. It had to provide diversity in the buildings, which are custom build borders and clogs up them. This is a good example of future densification and how to fulfill the plans for more housing in the city. Densification is a stridssak and really something no one likes, says architect Morten Løvseth.

subtleties solutions

– Here we have succeeded with a subtle area of ​​interpretation. By adding the ridge diagonally we get exactly the same height with a gable roof, but it provides 20 square meters more measurable residential area. The loft can be exploited, and we get a better location of stairwells. The height of the ridge is the maximum nine feet, cornice height is 6.5 meters, says Løvseth.

– By building an underground parking garage, we got room for more housing in a pedestrian environment with a road primarily for pedestrians to and from the tram . We believe that everyone is better off than carport between each house, two driveways and a cycle path in the field, such regulation first assumed, says project developer Engseth.

Different requirements

– OBOS must make good homes for different needs. Future bytomter being so; bit weird “leftovers”. We could create a hamlet close to the villa with dream house for several family types. They have up to five bedrooms, and use the area range from 123 to 200 sqm, says Engseth.

Most houses are sold – for families and couples. Prices range from 7 8 to 9.4 million dollars. It is self-owned housing, and they have no life standard.

– it requires only the Husbank. Originally the houses one bathroom on the first floor and a toilet on the ground, but many people bought houses with basement early in the process, has been built on the laundry room where the bathroom. On the top floor there is one bedroom and one living room with balcony views, says Løvseth.

– View Balcony with steps that ends in thin air?

– Escape The rules say that you should be able to jump from five meters. Fire Escape balcony has been stairway down to femmeter point, and had not included in the building footprint. This gives you an additional viewpoint on the top, says Morten Løvseth.

Exciting shapes

Man freed space. Man dropped sprinklingsanlegg.

– We think the solution is clever, and it benefits the community. In addition to providing individual housing benefits, creating diagonal roofs exciting shapes from the outside. When the houses squirms a little, it creates life and gives a little more sight lines, says Morten Løvseth and Wenche Engseth.

They think others will follow.

Published: 20.sep. 2,014 12:19


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