The last time there have stormed around one of Eurosko commercials for children’s shoes. The two controversial posters claim that “Boys want shoes to play in” and that “Girls want pretty and girly shoes.” This has led consumers to thunder against the advertisement, which is accused of being sexist. Among the characteristics that shotguns against campaign on Facebook is that it is “talenløs,” “terrible” and “nitrist forskrud.”
Marianne Sæhle, organizational deputy Hordaland SV, is one of those responding. On his Facebook profile, she writes “Boys will play. Girls will be neat. Simply disgusting and badly beaten. Unless this ad has removed at least I bought my last pair of shoes at Eurosko! “.
She has also written a call at shoe shop chain Facebook page.
– I only know I almost becomes speechless. That adults are being put into categories, insofar one thing. They should be able to think for yourself. But it is not the girl child who is born with the idea that they must look nice. There are adults who make them that way. I actually thought we had arrived that children should be children as long as possible, she says told BA Saturday morning.
Although she does not believe that advertising affects children directly.
But her parents are on this here, they will be helping to shape society to believe that that is how it should be. It is part of a larger picture, where stock princess books for girls and other books for boys.
– Will you shop at Eurosko again?
– I had decided not to do it, but if it is true that they have removed the posters., I’m going to see their ads depends. Then I will give them a break, and see if they really believe that it is not so they will appear.
Eurosko have actually answered Sæhle inquiry, writing in response to her Facebook post that
“Today we have removed these two posters from our stores, then we do not want to promote such thinking. Eurosko believe in free roles for everyone, and will in the future make sure to scrutinize our lyrics in more depth before production.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Eurosko. “
Controversial in Sweden
The answer is fairly similar to the chain responded when they got reactions from Swedish hold February 18:
“Today we have removed these two signs from our stores, then we do not
want to promote a Such minded. Eurosko believe in free roles for everyone, and will in future be sure to scrutinize our lyrics more inbound för production.
We apologize for the intrufne.
Eurosko “
The creative has in fact also attracted attention in Sweden, where Advertising Ombudsman in a statement on March 4 found advertising to be sexist and thus contrary to Article 4 of the intensified national Chamber of Commerce rules for advertising and marketing communications.
– Excuse!
Sales Nina Ekstrom in Eurosko says the past day has taken an unexpected turn.
– It was not exactly that Saturday I had envisioned.
– We can not but regret and remove plakatanene. I have dealt with this a couple of weeks and gone through all the posters, websites and everything we have on social media. Of course we have no desire to encourage poor gender roles, and thought that it could be pulled in that direction, she claims.
– But the posters is about securing what boys and girls prefer. Is it not precisely the differences they leave one thinking?
– They are not made with the eye, but when people say it, we understand that they may be perceived that way.
Ekstrom notes, however, that it is talking about two divorced in a4 size in a larger campaign.
– It is part of a campaign of mass child images, including girls as doctors and boys which is neat, and with many pictures where they are out together and jumps in the mire. The total is a little different they these two pictures, she says, but points out:
– It is important for us is that if someone reacts, we remove them.
Ekstrom says that they have been working on this since the reactions of Sweden in February, but that some posters have been overlooked.
– When we receive such a message, we go in and investigate everything we’ve done, to be sure there are not any left. We have worked the entire page to go through everything, but a campaign is great, and therefore it takes some time. We regret it, says the sales manager, who claims she has her hands full getting the posters away.
– We are working hard on reaching out to all of our 230 stores. There is no one will have posters where things can be misunderstood, and we have a large material scope which must be reviewed to be on the safe side, she says.
– Has it come reactions signs from employees who have set them up before consumers reacted?
– Not that has come to me, at least.
– What do you cluded for attention has received about this?
– I would not say it’s good PR. But I think it’s good people react and after social meder came, we’ve got a channel we had not before. I feel we normally have good dialogue with our customers.
– So you think it’s good that they react and corrects you?
– They can say what they mean – yes, why not? I hear the them, to speak.
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