Sunday, March 29, 2015

So many more people will have to work Sundays –

If the Government’s proposal to allow all stores to stay open on Sundays goes through, will total 290,000 employees being exposed for Sunday work, writes Aftenposten.

245 000 of these are employees in the retail sector, while 45,000 employees will be affected outside the traditional retail sector.

According to a report Fafo has recently been commissioned by including LO and Commercial office, about which follows Sunday open stores get for the labor market.

In day jobs 46,000 employees in commerce on Sundays. One of them is Islamudin Safi (21), who has a permanent extra job at Joker Geitmyrsveien in Oslo hvar Thursday and Sunday.

– Now it is absolutely wonderful to work on Sundays, I am a student and want to earn money, he says.

But he thinks he sees it annerlededes when he finished his studies.

– Then I’ll probably rather have free like everyone else. But as a customer, I would like to open stores.

ALSO READ: Q will stop open on Sundays after the election

Five times as many

– Five times as many employees in the retail sector will have to expect to work Sundays if the proposal goes through, says Fafo researcher Bård Jorfald.

In comparison work today 217.000 people in retail trade today Saturdays. Friday Government sent the proposal out for consultation.

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It is not only store employees in the retail sector will have to deal with any new opening Sundays . Extended opening hours for shopping malls for example, would include cleaning, pharmacies, cafes and restaurants.

ALSO READ: – Sunday Open shops can be environmentally bomb

In addition to retail rains Fafo that 45,000 other employees could be Sunday exposed, distributed as follows:

“Bislett effect”

Fafo researchers conclude that one can expect “Bislett effect” if legislation changes . The is that the first rise in the stands, will look better. Once this gets up, others that look worse forced to do the same. Finally stands the stadium, but no one has gotten better term.

– Who will have to work Sundays?

– Many ask themselves not only students can work. But 55,000 students are in retail today. When you need 245,000 it says itself that one is far from solving this using students. Firms will have to scoop the normal full-time and part-time employees from weekdays, says Jordfald.

And an effect may be that retailers will choose to close earlier on weekdays to push staff and resources to the days turnover goes best believes Jorfald.

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Familiefiendlig believes LO

LO believes that the proposal Sunday open stores only has losers. In addition to all the staff who are drawn into, it will lead to a butikkdød in rural areas and among the small shops and it will go out of the profitability of the entire trade.

– This will obviously these workers family members, spouses and children, who must adapt life on weekends that one family member is away at work. So it is obviously already for people working in the care sector, in areas of industry and in other sectors where Sunday work is required. But to expose a new sector completely for Sunday work makes Sunday for very many families no longer be a day you can use together. The proposal is family hostile, says LO First Secretary Peggy Hesse Følsvik.

ALSO READ: Sunday-nja from local politicians

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Now she appeals Left and KrF and expects these parties put their foot down.

Neither Wood is particularly excited about the proposal from Government:

– We had expected that the government had learned of bag fee issue and increase the limit on free imports. Both these cases show how wrong things can go when political decisions are not based on knowledge and dialogue with industry. Real has from day one been clear to the government on the need for dialogue with industry and the social partners to find a balanced and lasting solution to the question of Sunday opening, says Harald J. Andersen, political director of the Real.

Main organization points out a survey Response Analysis has conducted Handelens Councils (HSU), which shows that a clear majority of the people believe that it is not desirable Sunday open stores. The image is stable over time, but going in the direction of increased skepticism, writes active in a statement.

ALSO READ: 12 reasons for Sunday opne SHOPS

Monday may be the new Sunday

Experiences from Denmark suggests that neither the turnover or employment will increase if the shops are open Sundays.

– The consumption is unlikely to increase 15 percent even though the shops are open 15 percent anymore. But you will probably notice massive pressure from the major shopping centers to establish Sunday as a day of trading, said Jorfald.

In Denmark the trade moved to the weekend. Every third consumer there says that they act in always or usually in late evenings, after at 13 o’clock on a Saturday or on Sunday.

Here are Monday to have become the new Sunday, when revenues have fallen here . A part of the discussion in Denmark, according to the report that an alternative might be to keep closed in parts of trading on Monday.


Left his compromise is in fact fully Setting domain names free

Massive opposition to Sunday opening

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The Norwegians still negative to Sunday open stores


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