Friday, March 27, 2015

Students here get a starting salary of 540,000 kroner – Aftenposten

According to Statistics Norway report on labor demand until 2030, there will be less need for economists. If current development continues, we will in 2030 have around 47,000 for many with master’s degree in business administration, according to their projections.

Last year graduates Norway (NHH) record number 714 master candidates, and they notice that labor market is somewhat slower.

But according to a recent survey on employment situation of graduates NHH candidates, they quickly work and have experienced a salary jump.

Three out of four get a job while studying

Around three out of four get jobs before they finish their studies. And 82.6 percent were relevant jobs six months after graduation. There is a slight decline from 86.5 percent the year before.

– It is gratifying to see that labor is still good for economists from NHH. Wages are constantly increasing, and the vast majority find work before they are finished with the study or shortly after, says Rector Frøystein Gjesdal in a statement.

The average salary for NHH candidates, including bonus , overtime and benefits, has increased from 507,000 dollars in 2013 to 536 000 million last year.

There is an increase of 5.6 percent.

For comparison, the average income to Norwegians by 3.1 percent in the same period. Then overtime included.

Market Survey is an annual measure of how NHH candidates are accepted in the workplace.

It is mainly in auditing, consulting and banking / insurance / finance NHH -Students find job. The largest decrease is within the oil and gas industry, where the proportion is halved compared to last year.

How is the starting salary for BI students

For civil economy students at BI was starting salary last year in section 478.000 million including bonus. 77.2 percent got a job before they finished their studies, shows BI fresh labor investigation.

Nine out of ten economists who went out from BI last year got a job within six months.

Top Rank provide 200,000 pounds more

Econa, which is labor organization economists and master educated economists, shows in its investigations that there is a clear link between effort, grades and how fast economists get jobs.

80 per cent of A-candidates from the 2014 cohort received job offers before finishing my studies. Looking at those students who have been ten years or less in the workplace, the students with grade A 200,000 million more in salary than a C-candidate, shows ECON wage statistics from last year.

Higher starting salary in the public

Their pay statistics show that graduates master trained economists in the private sector have an average salary of 440,752 dollars, while the graduates economists in the public sector earn more – 448.444 million average salary.

According to Database for Statistics on Higher Education (DBH) offered business education at the undergraduate level at 27 universities and colleges, and by 14 educational institutions at the master level.

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Published: March 27. 2015 11:39


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