Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Heerema and AF should remove and chop up Huldra –

Hereema Marine Contractors Nederland SE must remove Platt form and transport it to land while AF Offshore Decom AS, has received responsibility for opphugging and Gjenvinning av Platt form.

Huldra field is Statoil operert gass- and kondensatfelt lokalisert on the Norwegian continental shelf northwest av Bergen.

Les also: Would selge platt shape of Finn. no, reach becomes the skrotet

Gass- and kondensatproduksjonen diaper stengt down 3 september 2014. Previously rig West Epsilon awarded oppdraget with open plug in the six brønnene on Huldra in løpet av 2016th

Well, Statoil has awarded two new contracts on behalf av partnerskapet, respectively removal, transport opphugging and Gjenvinning av Huldra platform facilitates the mold.

the contract for fjerningsarbeidet at sea and transport av platt shape to the country, a såkalt EPR contract ( ‘Engineering, Preparation and Removal’), is awarded Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland SE.

the contract for opphugging and Gjenvinning av Platt shape is assigned AF Offshore Decom aS which is part av AF Gruppen ASA.

Platt shape has a totalvekt of approximately 10,000 tonn, spread over a 5,000 tonn heavy dekksanlegg and a steel to tell which weighs like myeloma. It is expected that the upper edge av 95 prosent av platt shape becomes gjenvunnet.

the plan is å remove Huldra platform facilitates mold in løpet av 2019. the subsequent opphuggings- and gjenvinningsarbeidet must utføres by AF Offshore Decoms environmental base in Vats, and will be ferdigstilt in løpet av first half of 2020.


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