Friday, April 15, 2016

- Barents Sea increasingly important – Dagsavisen

Yesterday, NPD exploration director Sissel Eriksen forward resource report for 2016, which this year was all about status, facts and analyzes of developments in exploration activity on the Norwegian continental shelf.

This year marks the 50th anniversary since the first exploration well was drilled on the Norwegian shelf. It was in the North Sea. Since then, it made most oil discoveries in just the North Sea, but the good drilling results in the Barents Sea in recent years has increased oil interest in Northern Norway. In 2016 it is planned between eight and ten exploration wells in the Barents Sea.

Increase in north

Among the recoverable undiscovered resources the Norwegian waters, stands the North Sea for 25 percent, the Norwegian Sea, 27 per cent and the Barents Sea 48 percent. The new estimate of resources there is an increase in the estimate for the Barents Sea at 125 million sm3 oil equivalent.

– The Barents Sea is becoming increasingly important. Most of the undiscovered oil and gas resources located in the north, stressing Sissel Eriksen.

However, exploration director do not think the oil capital of Stavanger will be weakened by increasing activity in Northern Norway and the Barents Sea.

– Stavanger will remain the center of gravity for the oil industry. I think it’s important to talk about what this means for North Norway. There is a lot of activity there. Greater optimism. It is important that northern Norway will take part of the oil industry, says Eriksen Dagsavisen RA.

She is unsure about jobs moved north.

– Time will tell. Anyway I think that Stavanger will be a hub. The proximity to others in the industry are also important, she says

According to Eriksen North Sea an advantage. Through 50 years of oil drilling, have areas built up a solid infrastructure where it is affordable and easy to link new discoveries against. The Barents Sea is not the same infrastructure.

– Container position

Professor of Petroleum Economics at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Klaus Mohn, also points witty public with already prepared infrastructure gained through decades .

– I think that Stavanger will retain its position as a capital of oil, despite the fact that the oil industry moves, says Mohn Dagsavisen RA.

During yesterday’s presentation told exploration director that it pays to look for new oil and gas discoveries ø.

– From 2000 to 2014 it was made oil discoveries at a value of 2000 billion. exploration activities have had a successful period in the past decade. We see a smaller exploration now, 30 exploration wells. At its peak in 2009 there were 65. But I strongly believe that exploration activity is maintained, she said.


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