Tuesday, April 5, 2016

House prices rose far more than normal in March – Dagbladet.no

(Hegnar.no): House price statistics from Real Estate Norway, Real Estate Value and Finn.no show that house prices rose nominally by 1.9 percent in January.

House prices rise generally in March and seasonally adjusted house prices rose by 1.2 percent. And there were increases in all regions.

In Oslo the increase was 2.3 percent, in Tromso was the 1.7 per cent and in Bergen was the 1.1 per cent. Housing prices in Trondheim rose by 1.8 percent in March, while there was an increase of 0.4 percent in Stavanger and 1.3 percent in Kristiansand.

Very strong March

– There is a very strong month of March and the strongest March since 2003, says CEO. dir. Christian Vammervold Dreyer in Real Estate Norway.

He notes, however, that this may be a correction after a weaker than normal in February, and the March and April should be seen as a whole . And then it’s more normal.

Over the past year, house prices have risen by 5.6 percent.

It was sold 6473 homes in March 2016 which was down 25 percent from the same month last year, mainly due to the fact that Easter this year came in March.

The number of homes for sale was 11,543 at end-March, up 4.8 percent from last year, but even here there is Easter which kicks in.

Formididlingstiden in March was 37 days, up two days from the same month last year. In Oslo, it took 15 days to sell a home and Akershus took 19 days. In Bergen it took 22 days. At the other end it took 73 days in Stavanger and 72 days in Kristiansand.


Housing prices had shown a downward trend over the last 12 months, from an annual rate of 8.7 percent in February last year to 4.4 per cent in February this year, but rose again now to 5.6 percent.

In Oslo topped the annual growth of 12.2 per cent in August 2015. In February it was 8.1 percent. In March it back up to 9.9 percent.

In Rogaland house price inflation fell from a peak of 3.5 percent year over year in December 2014 to -4.7 percent in February this year.

Stavanger was a decline of 6.7 per cent last year, while an increase of 2.4 percent in Kristiansand.

in Tromso upswing was the last year of 4.3 percent and in Trondheim lay house prices in March was 4.4 per cent over the same month last year. In Bergen was the rise in the last year of 4.1 percent.

Another feature that is worth noting is that the seasonally adjusted monthly rise has proved correct so volatile since last May. Volatility has been from -0.2 percent one month to 1.1 percent the next month. The seasonally adjusted growth of 1.2 percent in March only understrekere this.

This makes it quite pointless to conclude on the basis of a single number. Here we have to see how things develop through a quarter. The last three months have housing inflation averaging by 0.2 percent month over month, seasonally adjusted, writes macro economist Marius Gonsholt Hov in Handelsbanken’s morning report Tuesday.

He also points out that Norges Bank also envisages that growth should be roughly in this range come.

The most recent Monetary Policy Report was assumed an average seasonally adjusted rise in house prices of 0.3 percent over the next few months, so that the annual growth in house prices slowing further. Norges Bank people believe that the annual growth falling from 4.7 percent in the first quarter (average) to 4.1 percent in the second quarter, explaining Gonsholt Hov.

Powerful into OBOS

Friday showed statistics from OBOS prices in the Oslo area rose by 2.5 percent from February to March, at an average price per square meter at a record high of 54,689 kroner.

Just in Q1 this year, the price increase has been 11.5 percent. Over the past 12 months rose OBOS prices by 11.9 percent.

– Inflation shows that the government must speed up housing construction. Demand for housing is much greater than supply, especially in Oslo. Now you have the new City parliament show that they meant something with promises from the election campaign to speed up housing construction, said OBOS-chief Daniel Kjørberg Siraj.

Price increase in condominium

Figures from Guarantee Real Estate, which includes prices of condominium apartments in Norway, showed Friday that the average home cost 34,748 kroner per square meter in March. It was up 1.6 percent from February. The price rise in the last 12 months, when 12.2 percent.

– The price rise continued in March. In the first quarter, prices have risen nearly 5 percent. There are still relatively few homes for sale, which contributes to increased price pressure, says Warranty CEO Stein Drogseth.

The average number of sales days in March 2016 was 32 days, three days less than in February and the same number of days in the same month last year. Turnover Days means the number of days between the first and annonsedag day where the seller will accept the bid.

– The housing going quickly for the time. This reflects the high pressure in the market right now, says Drogseth.

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