A newly opened salon in Moss has resorted to a rather creative pranks to pull customers.
Are you an immigrant, you get namely half-price haircut. A regular lady clip costs 200 kroner, while immigrants get the rock to 100 million.
The same applies to master clips, which normally costs 180 kroner. Are you an immigrant put it into a 100-patch, writes Manager.
You do not need to prove that you are entitled to the discount and it keeps to state that you are an immigrant, whether one is Swedish, Danish or have immigrated from another country.
– I want to help those who do not have much money, says proprietor Basim Gharib Abdualrazak.
She is satisfied with the response rates, and do not think it is problematic to divide customers into two different groups.
– Some of the customers are new to Norway and do not have much money, she said.
Lisbeth Jacobsen reacted to the differentiated prices and tipped Moss Avis if something unusual offer.
– This may well not be allowed, and what would happen if a barber had done the reverse – that it was double the price for immigrants? she wonders.
Similar cases have been dealt with by the Equality Ombudsman, who has previously stated that it is illegal for hairdressers to operate with different price for women’s and men cut and the barber can not demand more pay for clips of women if it takes as long as a master clip.
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