Saturday, February 20, 2016

Havyard introduces four dagar wick – NRK

The production at the shipyard in Leirvik and in Havyard MMC will be working as usual. Havyard has Head office in Fosnavåg.

– Those who will fall into this category are Havyard group and paper will including me, design department which lies in Fosnavåg and HPS power and systems that opposition in Ålesund. It also applies to all of the administration and the technical department in Leirvik in Sogn. The production part here is not the frame, says CEO Geir Johan Bakke.

200 adding lose løn

He is glad to have adding that in this way helps to take responsibility. The CEO says that 200 adding no going down the wages acting as a solidarity action.

– We are doing this because we had good experiences of such an arrangement last year. There is also an solidarity arrangement whereby we have a one day off per week for the one who can take time off. Most people must still work, including me self, as well all go 15 percent down in løn, says Bakke.

The period that has been agreed is March and April.

– In addition EiT cost mitigating measures where we reduce production and thus slepp and impose layoffs, held Bakke ahead.

good order situation

Chief Ground victory order situation is good, but that four dagar wick is frying used to adapt the workforce to dei work tasks that the group has no.

– We work innan several marketability segment and sees no benefit from it. Havyard MMC supplying equipment to the fisheries and aquaculture industry has such great etterspurnad that they have add several new ones.

Havyard Ship Technology in Leirvik will deliver several ships this year. It is, among other EiT windmill service vessels and two isbrytarar. Next year, it signed a contract ein wellboat with an option for ytterlegare EiT vessels.

– We can see that it takes a long time in today’s marketability than it did before, but we think and hope we can Announces New Contracts if not so long, says Bakke.


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