Resourceful as he spreads about getting rid of fear. He goes to be an oily bastard. Stig play on teams with their chosen one, the other sacrifices he barely a glance. With its many masks he poses passing, yes, clean pleasant he can emerge. Nothing provokes the neglected more, those who have never tasted either praise or acknowledgment.
It has also arisen a subculture among team that never gets joining. They sabotage where they can. For them, this creates a strong team spirit.
While Furua bleeds, we are working on the board to end the war. Hopes that the director volunteer thank him, has ebbed. With so much hustle and bustle he hath the yolk of the egg. The end faces every stone to find a solution. They know that the fight against the director without eyesight will cost dearly.
Stig showing a strong fighting spirit. With their dirty tricks and position he wins the biggest fights. He gets the guts to put people against each other. He witnesses from the stands, just surrounded by his handpicked guild.
When the director has lost perspective and responsibility he turns happily around him with statements like:
“This has the the no prerequisite to believe! “
” This is the little thoughtful! “
” poor, they do not know better! “
” bit of a flock of sheep ! “
When the major lines and questions are indistinguishable and forgotten, or have never been there, it occurs easily misunderstandings in any team. Then pops up like an unhealthy subculture that with pines.
A director in all of us
The big questions need good care and occasionally renewal.
What is matter? Where are we going? Which frames we follow?
We mean anything in terms of our relationships to ourselves, to the role at work, and not to forget the home front. When the major lines are losing ground, it is easy that the parties sliding apart. When we slip we know rarely where we stop.
When the director in you are absent you know it again know you:
focus on insignificant called
looks little value in other
have forgotten where you and you will
It is in the role of director to think big. Whether it is Furua or you. We all have a director in us. Director is responsible for keeping the big picture in life.
You as director:
Remember to think in broad lines?
Following this?
Includes the others to participate?
When others have the role:
Still follow-up questions when direction is forgotten!
Reconcile and clarifies the major lines.
The Director has many expressions. Sean is a type. Another is Abraham Lincoln. He was not snauere than that he abolished slavery. Association gathers was written in the foreheads of his. Talk about drawing the major lines!
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