Saturday, March 7, 2015

Jobseekers should question – Aftenposten

Aftenposten job experts answer questions about careers, job and management. Ask your questions to the experts!

Q: I wonder what I should ask about the job interview? Have experienced the interviewer asks if I have any questions, and then I will be very uncertain.

Job Specialist : As you say, it is very common that the interviewer encourages candidate to come with questions towards the end of the interview. This of course is to give the candidate the opportunity to get solved relationship she or he wonders. Many interviewers employ enough this also as an opportunity to gain further insight into what the candidate “really” are concerned in connection with the current position. Has not the candidate any questions, some interpret it as a lack of commitment or that she or he just wants to get completed the interview as quickly as possible. I would therefore urge you to ask any questions. Prepare like someone in advance if you find it difficult to do this during the interview.

Good question provides answers to the questions shows that you are interested in business and that you reflect on how your expertise can contribute positively to the business. Focus on the position like content, requirements and tasks. This can help to reinforce the interviewer’s impression of you as a candidate for the position.

If the candidate asks questions about what they will get in salary or what other perks that business can offer, the interviewer may think that the candidate is most concerned with what they can get and not what those workers can offer. Avoid at all costs questions like: “I have it with oversleeping me, hope it’s okay?” or “Is it free beer on firm feasts”. These are questions that the worst may disqualify you.

Helene Tronstad Moe

Q: I joined in 2012 as nurse at age 65. Took full pension from KLP instructing zero further job and favorable solution. KLP said retirement, the same as AFP. Because. special retirement age 65, the pension is reported with code 211, “pension from others.” In the period 65-67 loser I therefore tax credits for NAV and early retirement schemes, in 2013 £ 25 910, in my case. Could I or KLP done anything differently? Without special retirement age had my pension has been AFP by the same amount and then less.

Job expert : As you enter, you had special retirement age in your job and could therefore choose either to get paid særalderspensjon or AFP 65 years. Which is better of the two, depends on what you see as advantageous. Previously it was KLP no differences in tax calculation AFP 65 to 67 and særalderspensjon when AFP was calculated as gross pension. The special deduction in the tax calculation on pensions came in connection with the pension reform in 2011.

For særalderspensjon apply:

You do not get a deduction from the tax on særalderspensjonen alone.

You have the opportunity to take out retirement pension simultaneously if you wish. There are no coordination between the two pensions before age 67. You get a bit lower payments from the National Insurance if you take out the old age pension already now, but you have the flexibility to do it. You will then be deducted from the tax based on both pensions but lower because the total pension will be higher than AFP.

AFP apply:

will benefit from this tax deduction

You will not be able to withdraw age state pension before age 67. That is why you yourself must consider what is beneficial.

You could be asked to get paid AFP and KLP could certainly made you aware of the difference if you had asked the question. However, it is not normal that a pension provider provides advice on taxation, as there are many factors that affect the final result.

Hilde Wærness Jensen

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Published: 07.mar. 2015 9:55 p.m.


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