Wednesday, March 4, 2015

- Norwegian Air Norway legally bankrupt soon – HegnarOnline

English pilots went on strike last Saturday and conflict were sharply escalated Wednesday with the cancellation of all domestic flights as a result. The same seems to be the case on Thursday.

English boss Kjos Kjos rejected Wednesday claims that management wants to control NAN into bankruptcy. A centrally placed source said however Finansavisen that trade unions at risk to push forward the bankruptcy of NAN as they have feared.

Legal committed
– English do not want this, and stands ready to fill in with money, but if not pilots in NAN cooperative, so the Board of NAN at some point had to acknowledge that the company operates for the creditor’s expense. When the board is legally obligated to turn the company bankrupt, says the source.

Director Frode Foss told the newspaper that the strike may end quickly if the pilots go with Norwegian’s requirements.

– NAN must be competitive. It says the pilots that they are willing to join. But while they demand that they be allowed to decide that the consolidated seniority shall apply personnel reduction. This means that employees in Ireland possibly take his hat and go before employees in Norway. They also require to have their employment moved up to the parent company. It is impossible for us to go on, says Foss.

No income
He says there is only SAS has been able to operate differently than English as the state owners have filled in with more money as the company has lost its operations.

English-Bjørn Kjos estimated Wednesday that the company can withstand one week to strike. How much money is left in NAN, and when the board there any need to turn the company bankrupt, do not want waterfall to say.

– But it is clear that NAN does not receive income while still have expenses, and at one time or another board when a duty to intervene, he said.

– NAS real employer
At Parat has the attitude towards a bankruptcy subsidiary NAN been ready after the strike broke out.

– Firstly, this is a very risky way to go for any company that lives by trust, and secondly, our answer to this be that the real employer is the listed company easyJet, said Parat leader Hans-Erik Skjæggerud NTB earlier in the week.

In the event of bankruptcy will all employees assert their rights accrued in the parent company. According bankruptcy rules have all of the members preferential job in any new company that will operate out, stressed Skjæggerud. (© NTB)


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