Saturday, August 23, 2014

Do not rejoice too long – Aftenposten

Do not rejoice too long – Aftenposten

– Fresh tall shows that the mainland economy grew 1.2 per cent by other quarter. Surprised, Øystein Dørum

– Yes, this was mye stronger enn expected. We had one anslått growth of 0.6 prosent in advance. We have enough oppjustere stops våre for the growth in Norway in 2014.

– So reach future looks plutselig veldig light ut for the Norwegian economy

– Although the figures are brukbart sterke, they not so sterke when you look closely at them. Mye av the growth is due to an extraordinary høy growth in fish exports in force and in public investment. We still believe 2015 will be a hard svakt years.

– Many economists have hosted surprised sammenfallet Light-operation between economic growth and høy jobbvekst. Faller brikkene on tekstitila with the new figures

– Yes, this reduserer each fall spriket operation between the Labour Market and the real economy.

– What betyr the new figures muligheten for rentekutt from Norges Bank

– This is even planning one nails in the coffin for those who have trodd on it. Although it can not utelukkes, makes sterk price increase svakere crown, low ledighet, Høye housing prices and stronger growth a rentekutt lite sannsynlig candy it looks ut reach.

– It has hosted mye snakk to lower activity in the oil sector will beat hardt inn on the Norwegian economy. It has been named yet not skjedd

– This is a lower veksttakt in the supplier industry already, and oljeselskapene have other things kostnadsfokus than before. We believe the actual decline in oljeinvesteringene will is labeled next year, but not that it’ll then svakt to sentralbanken must cowl for the stimulation of the economy.

– Dere relaxing just their interim report ‘Economic utsikter’. La oss heve look litt utenfor Norway grenser.

– We are reaching a veldig clear dividing operation between industrialized country in Europe where the reach is stagnasjon, and Great Britannia and the United States, which has veldig strong growth. Four years ago the Unemployment in the United States and the EU at the same nivå. Today it is 12 per cent by the EU, while in the United States is the halvert. American economy is on the nearest fresh reported.

– What caused the big forskjellene

– United States have increased more rapidly langsiktig vekstevne on grunn av increased more rapidly produktivitetsvekst and population growth. They also tatt thanks to problems faced in bankene and finansnæringen mye healthier enn in Europe. 18 countries with the same currency also turn itself into an tvangstrøye Europe. For sist the problems faced in Ukraina and Russia made Europe hardere enn USA. It was not this skakkjørte europe feats trengte reach.

Publisert: 23.aug. 2014 21:48


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